

Business in the Community’s (BITC) mission is for business to play its part so that every child, particularly those facing social disadvantage, achieves in education, leading to a successful working life, thriving in business.

We ask all businesses across the UK to support disadvantaged young people in education through long-term, needs-led collaborative partnerships. Business needs to support schools and education to ensure young people have the knowledge and skills they need to thrive.


  • There are 4.6 million children in the UK living in poverty1.
  • 企业报告说,他们努力招聘学校和大学雪叶,以工作所需的基本技能2.



Helping every business support young people to develop the essential skills they need to succeed in the workplace

Essential Skills are the skills we all need to thrive in education, work and life and are proving to be ones heavily required in a time of crisis.³ They are highly transferable skills like communication, problem solving and teamwork. They are not innate and can be developed throughout our lives and can’t be automated out.⁴ We want business to embed essential skills in their work with schools by using theSkills Builder Universal Framework.

我们在问education providersand theskills communityto:

  • recognise and communicate the importance of essential skills to rebuilding our economy after Covid-19 with a focus on people and not leaving anyone behind
  • embed the Skills Builder Universal Framework across their work and throughout their pre-employment, recruitment and learning and development activities.



BITC asks that businesses use their expertise to support school leaders to tackle issues that impact the learning of young people, such as staff retention and continuous professional development. We also encourage businesses to engage with school careers leaders to help them build relationship with your own organisation and others across the community.

Identifying and understanding how business can inspire young people to learn and achieve in different curriculum areas

We encourage business to work within the curriculum to help build young people’s knowledge and skills for future work.

How Business in the Community can support your business

Business Class

BITC encourages businesses to support young people in schools facing disadvantage by forming long-term, strategic partnerships using our Business Class framework. The framework has four pillars: leadership and governance; curriculum; enterprise and employability; and wider issues. These enable business to make full use of their expertise and support schools in a holistic way. We offer activities to support businesses to work effectively with schools across all aspects of the Business Class framework.






威尔士的Lifeskills计划包括学校和大学访问和由巴克莱志愿者经营的研讨会2ManBetX登陆 LifeSkills Facilitators.


Supported by354manbetx LifeSkills is expected to benefit more than 30,000 young people in Scotland over the next three years. The programme also creates opportunities for Barclays employees in Scotland to volunteer.



狗万买球下载社区负责任的数字商业计划中的业务seeks to work with organisations to overcome these challenges and ensure that this digital transformation is ethical, sustainable and inclusive.



  1. 社会标准委员会(2019);Measuring Poverty 2019; available at
  2. CBI (2018); Educating For The Modern World: CBI/Pearson Education And Skills Annual Report; available at
  3. Educating For The Modern World (2018): CBI/Pearson Education And Skills Annual Report; available at
  4. The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030 (2017), Bakhshi, H., Downing, J.M., Osborne, M.A. & Schneider, P. London: Pearson and Nesta