Five ways employers can champion gender equality right now

Post author image. Charlotte Woodworth
Charlotte Woodworth shares insight on being flexible, listening with empathy and the utilisation of the Government’s Job Retention Scheme (JRS) to support women and protect gender equality.

Almost a year into the COVID-19 pandemic and we are in lockdown again. Experience tells us women are bearing the brunt of many of the measures, with potentially grave consequences for the immediate future and longer term. However, the choices responsible businesses make now could not only mitigate some of the worse effects but also accelerate progress toward a more equal future.



  1. 休假或授予需要它的额外付费
  2. 在这个时候对工作量要灵活和现实
  3. 影响评估您的计划并避免Groupthink
  4. 应对当前家庭虐待的增加
  5. 倾听,并带来同情和包容


政府保留职位计划允许组织到可能拥有Covid-19产生的儿童保育问题的休假员工(例如,学校封闭);声称每月高达2500英镑的工资80%。即使您或有问题的员工,组织也能够这样做,从未使用过休假计划。它可以灵活 - 例如允许员工只需减少他们的时间,并且只声称对他们不起作用的时间的休假支持。




比特的平等生活研究found concerns about the perception of those taking parental leave – that they are in some way less committed or ambitious. This can weigh on the minds of those thinking about taking parental leave, fathers in particular. Employers can showcase senior leaders taking time out to deliver caring responsibilities and make it clear that those utilising these policies will not be penalised.

Taking this action now will help ensure the retention of talented people, many of them women, who, particularly at this time are feeling forced to choose between paid work and responsibilities at home. It will also stand you in good stead as an employer who supports people, of all genders, to have a good work life balance.

2。Be flexible – and realistic

目前许多雇主采取了更灵活的工作方法,认识到员工正在应对变更情况。示例包括支持工作人员的工作各种或减少时间,并帮助团队制定允许家庭学校校办时间表的工作时间表。这些操作可以正式采取 - 通过使用日历颜色授予员工“时间码”,或者更巧妙地授予员工,以指示它们在特定时间段内管理其他职责。

However, flexible hours cannot magically add extra hours into the day. It is crucial employers recognise that for many staff there needs to be a reduction in workload. This could be delaying projects, re-prioritising work streams, or reallocating some responsibilities. These actions needs to be taken in consultation with teams. Consider how these changes might impact on subsequent performance reviews. Some employers have chosen to delay appraisal processes to reflect the extraordinary circumstances of the past year.



BITC的负责重构工具包can help you identify if some groups are set to be disproportionately effected and includes suggestions to prevent and mitigate these impacts.

你还应该确保广泛的人通知和塑造你的计划。避免Groupthink.将降低盲点斑点的风险,例如,单身父母如何 - 谁现在告诉我们现在具有特别具有挑战性的时间IIII- 将受到影响。与员工网络定期订婚将是宝贵的。

4.Address domestic abuse

联合国将家庭暴力描述为“影子大流行”。In the UK, calls to the National Domestic Abuse Helpline rose by 80% in June last year. Many employers have for the first time adopted explicit, tailored wellbeing policies considering domestic abuse, tackling what has often been viewed as an ‘in the home’ problem. BITC’s雇主家庭虐待最新工具包can help you ensure you are providing your staff with the right support.




We will soon mark a year since we first went into lockdown here in the UK; much has changed but there are also many lessons learnt. Business has reacted at pace and scale, and some previously unthinkable things have been achieved; if we continue to listen, learn and adapt we can both soften some of the hardest impacts – and carry forward new thinking into the future.



  • more likely to be picking up extra childcare duties: women did two thirds additional childcare duties.
    Spent more time on unpaid work than men during lockdown1
  • 比男性更有可能被迫休假,在their own request, because of individual employer’s choices, or as a result of the industries most affected by lockdown2
  • facing increased unemployment compared to men during 2020. A trend replicated across Europe and North America3.
  • 在国内虐待中经历急剧上升
  • 减少他们对预防性保健措施的使用癌症扫描4.
  • experiencing a sharp rise in anxiety and mental health issues5.


1ONS Government锁定锁定:冠状病毒和对工作生活平衡的影响
3.Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)母亲和父亲在锁定下平衡工作和家庭?
5.Kings College LondonCovid-19为什么最多影响女性的心理健康和福祉?


一世ONS GovernmentCorovnavirus Deaths-更新
一世一世ONS Government锁定锁定:冠状病毒和对工作生活平衡的影响
IIII工作场所洞察力。Covid-19 crisis has created unique challenges for working single parents
v EHRC.Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 47 The impacts of the current recession