
Post author image. Gudrun Cartwright.
英国PLC必须谈谈与行动争取,以解决气候危机,为社区创造积极的成果,在社区气候行动总监Gudrun Cartwright表示。狗万买球下载

The UK is hostingCOP26, the United Nations’ climate negotiations, in Glasgow this November. If the climate crisis is to be solved businesses need to commit to climate action. But what does that mean in practise? It is more than cutting plastic, having green champions, or even setting a net zero target. It’s about finding ways to create positive impacts for communities through your business’ plans. Although every step is important, to achieve the change that only businesses with their reach and influence can, we need scale, ambition and plans – climate positive action plans.


在社区狗万买球下载(BITC)的业务,我们的Challenge 2030 campaignaims to make the climate crisis history in the next decade through every business becoming climate positive. To achieve this businesses need to develop climate positive action plans. These should:

  • have a climate resilience strategy as part of the plan. It should that assess the risks and opportunities of both the transition to net zero carbon and the impacts of climate breakdown on their business model. It should also embed plans to address them into business as usual
  • commit to increasing the speed at which the business will achieve net zero and align to比赛归零where possible.
  • be developed and implemented with diverse stakeholders to make sure different perspectives are heard and positive outcomes for communities are delivered.

If you are a Business in the Community member you can download our挑战2030术语巴斯特,易于理解的环境条款指南。万博体育官网手机版

Businesses of all sizes should take two steps, one of which is being made mandatory by the UK government. BITC are supporting our members to take these two steps.

  1. Become a气候相关财务披露的工作组(TCFD)支持者。

    This gives you the framework to review risks and opportunities to your company and get ahead of legislation that will impact all UK businesses in the next five years. This blog has more about报告环境相关的风险时将成为英国强制性的.
  2. 声明净零碳承诺,尽可能靠近2030,与a对齐比赛归零initiative如果可能的话。

    It can be daunting to make a commitment that you don’t now how to achieve. But we are all in the same boat and need to find new ways to collaborate on shared challenges. Starting now will put you in good stead as policy responses ramp up after COP26.


We know that many businesses are far from climate positive right now. Insights fromBITC’s 2019/20 Responsible Business Tracker® Insights Report,表明:

  • one third have assessed how climate change will impact their value chain’s ability to deliver core products and services
  • 五分之一有净零碳目标
  • one third have the resources in place to deliver.

Recent analysis of our network showed that 24% of BITC’s members have now made net zero commitments, which is good to see, but the number is still too low.


A great first step is taking part in the负责任的BusinessTracker®.是一种衡量负责任的业务的工具,该工具包括在BITC成员资格中,并使您能够评估您的起点,然后测量进度。然后我们的咨询服务团队可以帮助:

  • 了解与您的业务有关的风险和机会
  • creating your first climate action plan
  • measuring your carbon footprint
  • getting started on a net zero carbon pathway
  • 准备TCFD报告和基准测试与同龄人相对的基准。


If you are a BITC member who has already committed to climate action, this is great news. We would like you to help us start more companies on the journey by:

  • telling us about your commitments and the action you have taken so far so we can build a compelling picture of our network’s impact to share at COP and beyond
  • speaking to your customers and suppliers, asking them to commit.


我们了解到,每个企业都在他们的旅程中变得有不同的观点。加入我们利用气候行动,为企业和社区建立繁荣的新方法。Talk to one of BITC’s expert teamtoday to learn how membership can help you take your responsible business journey further and drive lasting change.
