
Post author image. Charlotte Gibb
Develop long -term partnerships with communities to support people experiencing or at risk of homelessness says Charlotte Gibb.

Charlotte Gibb, Employment Campaign Manager, Business in the Community (BITC) on the action businesses can take to tackle homelessness.


For many this year, those visible reminders may be missing. However, the problem of homelessness continues; in fact, the problem may be getting worse as the ongoing jobs crisis continues, and councils and charities find themselves stretched after a demanding year.

在春天期间,有很大的努力'每个人'– providing a safe place for rough sleepers to isolate during the pandemic. Since then, councils have been finding longer term accommodation for those brought in during the first wave, whilst dealing with the demands of the second wave and the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

即使有政府措施,如暂时禁止履行职务保留计划,无家可归的慈善避难所也报告了自3月以来每分钟接受呼叫,从3月份 - 超过90,000名呼叫,其中三分之一来自家庭。在这个阶段投资预防措施可以帮助确保这些家庭不必面临无家可归者。


Designing Out Homelessness

去年比特,与之合作West Midlands Combined Authority卷曲wlg., published the设计出无家可归的工具包with three areas of action for business – all of which are even more crucial given the impact of COVID-19 (a Welsh version of the guidewas also produced in partnership with Legal & General and For Cardiff).

1 in 4 people facing homelessness are in work, meaning support for employees is important. This is particularly true if workers are put on reduced hours or incomes. In addition, as part of wider wellbeing initiatives, enabling colleagues to seek help when facing financial difficulty can help prevent colleagues reaching crisis point or turning to high-interest lenders. For further guidance read our关于无家可归和covid-19的事实表.

The best approach for businesses wanting to support people experiencing or at risk of homelessness is through long-term partnerships in communities. This enables support to be needs-led and delivered by experts; however, the support your business provides could be wide-ranging, from financial contributions to donations of products and services or staff volunteering time.

作为对Covid-19的回应,社区的业务推出了狗万买球下载国家商业响应网络, enabling businesses to meet the needs of community organisations. Since the launch of the platform in April, many organisations responding to homelessness have benefited from business support:

  • Tesco提供了超过1,798个手机,在英国的慈善机构提供预装的SIM,以确保最脆弱的人可以访问互联网和联系支持机构的能力。
  • DHL has provided logistics support to enable a donation of clothing from a high street retailer to reach more than 6,000 people.
  • IKEA has provided furnishings to help turn 30 houses into homes for individuals being moved into accommodation by Wolverhampton charity Alternative Giving.

    要了解您的业务如何以实际帮助对无家可归的回应,请访问访问NBRN平台或者今天致电0300 303 3993。

Quality, secure employment can provide a vital route out of homelessness, but people with experience of homelessness can face barriers gaining employment. Not having a permanent address or bank account, or experiencing low confidence and an unfamiliarity with the world of work can all impact on employment opportunities. Businesses can help to break down these barriers by providing routes into employment.

Support could include employability sessions, workplace insight days and work placements. BITC delivers these employment programmes nationally, including ourReady for Work placement programme和幕后工作场所见解日。我们还与我们的会员合作,几乎可以提供支持,并已发表寻求在新正常工作中提供工作展示的企业的指导。

