
Post author image. Maria-Jose Subiela
Business in the Community (BITC), Maria-Jose Subiela, Campaign Director Global Goals, challenges businesses to look to the very essence of how they measure their success and asks: is it enough?


COVID-19 has reignited the debate on how we define business success. Can success be found on the pages of a quarterly report? Is it good business to turn around short-term profits while depleting the planet? Is it an effective long-term strategy to keep excluding the same underrepresented group? Will your employees, customers, investors, and business partners be satisfied with this?

A rethink of what good business looks like is critical to emerging from COVID-19 on the path to a more just and sustainable future.

To start, business culture needs to change to reflect a broader range of metrics and listen to a wider range of voices. If organisations used their purpose to drive greater influence and action within their business, value chain, sector, and investment decisions, the cumulative impact of this would generate the‘bigger, bolder and faster’ action we need to meet the Global Goals.Also known as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, these define the urgent to-do list for creating a more inclusive, prosperous world for all.

So how does this happen in practice?

The crisis of 2020 has not deterred those businesses committed to accelerating positive change to meet the Global Goals. For example,Unilever’s new corporate strategy, building on its Sustainable Living Plan, aims to embed sustainability into every part of the business. From its three ambitions, its aim to shape consumer behaviour change is particularly exciting.

GSK has set brave environmental targets, including anet positive impact on nature by 2030. BNP Paribas UK, in consultation with its employees, has moved its pension pot to responsible funds and are signatories to让我的钱变得重要,这是一场呼吁养老金与价值观保持一致的运动。不幸的是,这一流行病正在减缓实现千年发展目标的进展,因此这些例子令人充满活力和希望。

The power of purpose

We interviewed hundreds of our members – from large multinationals to SMEs – on their response to the pandemic for BITC’s负责任的重建report. 一个共同的主题是,公司目标的重要性和变革力日益增强,既要应对这一流行病,又要在其后重建。具有强烈内在目标和原则的公司指出,在调整业务模式以支持员工、客户和供应商时,能够利用这些目标和原则具有巨大的价值。

Responsible investment and finance

投资者是改变人们对商业成功理解方式的驱动力。连续三年,负责任的基金——环境、社会和治理(ESG)——都是万博体育官网手机版outperforming traditional ones. We are working with corporates and investors to reduce the gap between a business approach to the Global Goals and how capital is allocated to create the right incentives for a more sustainable future. Alongside this, BITC is working in partnership with Santander and a group of UK banks to explore how theretail banking sector can supporta socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable model of economic prosperity.

Value chains

COVID-19正在测试我们认为理所当然的一切。例如,BITC的Driving Sustainability Through Procurementguide as being ‘under more pressure than ever, dealing with enormous disruption, new financial pressures and sudden shifts in strategy.’


How would you change the measures of success?

The pandemic has shown us that businesses can respond to times of crisis at a speed and scale not previously thought possible. Businesses now have a unique opportunity to apply this ambition to the very thing that defines them; their corporate purpose.

BITC asks that you act with us to turn ambition into actions:

  • Build back responsibly与我们一起,与其他企业建立合作行动——与我们交谈,我们可以激发行业行动。
  • 如果你是一个有目标的领导者,并且想把你的企业——你的员工、价值链和投资决策——带到身边we offer expertise and support.
  • Share your ideas with us about how we can work together to change the measures of success and create a better world for all.

Together we thrive