No institutional racism in the UK?

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Jessica Runicles, Head of Responsible Business Strategy at Business in the Community (BITC), expresses BITC’s disappointment with the conclusions in the recent Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report, and reflects on the experiences of our Advisory team over the last year.

Jessica Runicles ( left ) and Amy Smith (right)

Alongside other thought leaders in this space, Business in the Community (BITC) wanted to explicitly express disappointment at the findings of theCommission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report。To us, this report has been a missed opportunity to truly acknowledge the extent of structural and institutional racism that exists in the UK today. It is a missed opportunity to listen to the voices of those that have loudly asked for change, and to commit to action that would enable the UK to truly become a world leader in responsible business and racial equality.

谋杀罪乔治弗洛伊德,以及全球抗议种族主义that ensued, has led to an unprecedented demand for support from BITC members and beyond. Employers are keen to do more to support their employees, and to ensure that their organisations go beyond paying lip service and box ticking to become truly inclusive. There is evident appetite for action from employers; with business leaders from across the spectrum now calling for the建立强制性种族支付差距报告

It is in this context we would like to echo theinitial remarks of our Race Campaign Director Sandra Kerr, by saying it is deeply disappointing that the commission failed to recommend making ethnicity pay gap reporting compulsory. The Commission clearly saw value in ethnicity pay gap reporting as it recommends that the government create guidance on writing them.

我们的方法to inclusion is always systemic, aligning inclusion to organisational objectives

我们建议雇主与Hogan Lovells合作阅读我们的新报告,a种族支付差距报告指南,并敦促雇主考虑自愿发布其种族薪水差距报告。

Over the last year we have seen a huge increase in demand for比特咨询服务来自雇主。BITC的咨询团队工作1:1与我们的会员将我们的竞选同事们的建议转变为行动,我们目前在英国拥有超过175个企业,专门向他们提供支持。

我们的方法to inclusion is always systemic, aligning inclusion to organisational objectives rather than having a separate diversity and inclusion agenda. We offer advice on how to create inclusive cultures and strategies that will support everyone to thrive at work, ensuring employees can be their authentic selves.


我们的报价是我们的关键总是建议雇主s to listen to their employees, to hear their voices and understand their experiences. We are currently running the在工作调查2021的比赛,向所有英国员工开放完成。我们的2018年调查有24,310个响应。这让我们准确了解工作场所的比赛,并透露给我们在英国持续存在的许多不平等,它还在2018年工作中通知我们的比赛:黑人声音报告。我们经常为组织运行焦点小组,通常表明这些群体中的一个是黑色,亚洲和少数民族员工的戒指。在这些听力会议中,我们听到比赛在工作场所影响了人们的生活经验及其包容感。这是这些故事激发了我们对行动的调查,并且通过了解这些经验,我们设计了定制和有影响力的解决方案,使我们的成员能够带来实质性变革。

The role of training
Inclusion Adviser Amy Smith shares how the BITC advisory team ensure its work and training is effective and impactful.

The reality is that diversity training is no quick fix to solving hundreds of years of racism. We encourage our members to understand that training provides an opportunity to hear their employees’ voices, it sets out what an organisation’s expectations are, and it gives them an idea of where they are with best practice. Once more we were disappointed with the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report as it recommended for unconscious bias training to be defunded, instead calling on the government to develop new programmes created using an evidence-based approach. Our真的有效吗?报告has done that, it is an evidence based report written by BITC in partnership with Kings College London. The report found unconscious bias training to be a valuable concept and when conducted properly was a useful tool for furthering inclusion.

At BITC we are at the forefront of delivering training on diversity and inclusion, our advisory sessions focus on perspective taking and intergroup dialogue ensuring all feel included at our sessions. A well-designed training programme can lift the lid on serious cultural issues and process flaws, and it is these outcomes that are often overlooked by leaders.



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