国家商业响应网络(NBRN) - 一年

发布作者图像。 Paul Buchanan.
Paul Buchanan., Director at BITC, reflects on how businesses’ desire to help communities through the pandemic led to the National Business Response Network (NBRN).


回应紧急情况是BITC’s DNA. It was born in the aftermath of the 1981 riots in Toxteth and Brixton. Over the years we have responded to emergencies from floods and extreme weather events through to the 2011 riots. At that time, I was Community Director and in response, we set up a ‘fighting fund’ to help the streets get back on their feet. This time last year, it was clear we needed to get into emergency response mode.


Business in the Community’s DNA.

Paul Buchanan., Director, Delivery and Impact at BITC

We kept it simple. We started by getting our community facing teams to speak with partner organisations to understand their challenges and where business could help. Very quickly, we had collected detailed information on the pandemic’s impacts, and had some clear asks of business. With funding from提名和数字发展从古怪, we set about creating a simple ‘bulletin board’ where requests could be posted, and businesses could respond. Business and funders got behind the initiative, support from AXA, London Stock Exchange, Covid-19 Support Fund, National Lottery Community Foundation, Barclays, Assurant and UPS made the国家商业响应网络(NBRN)可能的。我的巨大感谢我们所有的支持者在真正重要的时候为我们信任。


What has the last year taught us?

  1. 网络的力量:BITC的网络,our membersand business leaders across the UK have been a critical part of how we supported communities through the pandemic. So many businesses have responded to requests for support in the hour of need. We need to continue to embed the crucial role responsible businesses have in our communities.
  2. 它已采取合作以使网络工作。在某些情况下,它已经从一家公司进行了资源,从第二个公司包装,并从三分之一的运输到满足要求。协作行为令人难以置信的强大并建立信任。
  3. The power of data: In the year where the public interest in graphs and charts has never been greater, we have ‘followed the data’, to keep supply and demand aligned, and spot emerging trends early (thanks to our amazing insights team for making this a possibility).



  1. Domestic abuse: Calls to domestic abuse helplines rose by 65% during the pandemic1。作为锁定简化,国内虐待组织预测服务需求的显着增长。
  2. Wellbeing and mental health: Organisations are seeing staff and volunteers burn-out, as a result of growing demand and finite resources.
  3. Unemployment: The pandemic has accelerated changes in the labour market, leaving many struggling to navigate the rapidly changing landscape. Earlier in the pandemic, a housing association near to Gatwick Airport saw the number of its residents seeking unemployment benefits rise by 25% in just two to three weeks2。在依赖于难以击中的行业的位置,效果特别严重。
  4. 粮食贫困:对食品银行和社区食品组织的需求在整个大流行中都很高。在“和平时期”的许多食品组织提供更广泛的支持,帮助人们就业和福利支持,以减少对食品支持的依赖。万博体育电脑网页版


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  1. UN Women (2020) The Shadow Pandemic: Domestic violence in the wake of COVID-19. Watch onYouTube
  2. Business in the Community, Internal Research, January 2021