单件组: Supporting holistic employee wellbeing

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Business in the Community (BITC) member Unipart demonstrates its commitment to embedding responsible business practices and the philosophy of continuous improvment.

单件组提供制造、物流、和咨询公司services across the globe, employing over 6,000 people. Since it began in 1987, Unipart Group has been recognised for its leading role in shaping management thinking. Its employee share scheme, stakeholder partnership programmes, and The Unipart U, one of the first corporate universities in Europe, led to Unipart being called a beacon for responsible business.

作为BITC的成员,Unipart Group自2007年起致力于在整个业务中嵌入负责任的实践和行为,包括通过其专有业务系统The Unipart Way它被描述为一种工作哲学,以工具和技术为基础,不断改进。

Having sponsoredBITC’s Responsible Business Award for Outstanding Employment多年来,联合国大学的同事一直在深入思考COVID-19大流行的影响,以及它对负责任的雇主意味着什么。在本文中,公司事务总监弗兰克·尼格里洛和公司责任总监黛博拉·阿斯特尔(DeborahAstles)考虑雇主在照顾员工时表现出色意味着什么。




Through its extensive network of clients, suppliers and local businesses, Unipart has gained first-hand, leading-edge insights into some of the adjustments employers are making to support wellbeing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


Unipart has been especially keen to remain agile and adaptive throughout the pandemic to meet the needs of staff working from home, and also to support line managers as they provide support to others.


“We’ve worked hard to support our line managers” Deborah says, “as they play such a key role in supporting people. We want to assure colleagues that it is ok not to be ok, and equip line managers with the necessary tools and skills to manage difficult conversations.”

“It’s an understatement to say that life has been more difficult for everyone during the pandemic” says Frank. “Those people going into work have had to learn new ways of working, new ways of behaving, and sometimes change lifelong habits to ensure they stay safe.”

In order to ensure it has a complete understanding of employee wellbeing, Unipart has conducted regular surveys with staff over the past year. “In many companies, people working from home have reported a completely different levels of stress ranging from isolation, to dealing with increases in workload” Frank explains, “but our HR and communications teams have done a great job in getting these issues on the table, and helping our people to look after their mental health.”

There is a strong business imperative for taking a caring, supportive approach to employee health and wellbeing, and also for recognising differences in individual needs. Deborah outlines how Unipart has worked hard to avoid thinking of solutions as ‘one size fits all’.



