Castell Howell:减少土地和海上的气候影响

通过支持BITC,独立食品服务批发商Castell Howell正在为其环境影响带来积极主动,降低其碳足迹,同时经济效益。万博体育官网手机版

From its rural beginnings in 1988, family-run Castell Howell Foods has grown to become Wales’ leading independent food service wholesaler, reaching customers in Wales, the border counties, and the south west of England. Castell Howell is deeply proud of its rural roots and close connections in and around its Carmarthenshire home, and is a significant investor in regional produce from Welsh suppliers. Rooted in beautiful natural surroundings, and with strong relationships with Wales’ agricultural sector, Castell Howell takes a proactive stance to its environmental impact,pioneering a range of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint,从高效的废物管理,太阳能发电,更环保的车辆设计以及对当地和国家回收努力的支持,覆盖所有内容。


名卡斯特尔豪厄尔成为一辆公共汽车iness in the Community (BITC) member in 2011, and has played a vital role in advancing responsible business in Wales, including by joining BITC’s威尔士领导委员会. To build its understanding of its climate impact, Castell Howell has participated in the负责任的企业跟踪器®, BITC’s unique measurement tool, and made use ofBITC’s Environment Advisory servicesto support its ambitions. In order to further formalise its green commitments, and meet national and international reporting standards, Castell Howell is continuing to engage with BITC advisers, who support the business to improve its environmental strategy.

Ed Morgan, Castell Howell’s CSR and Training Manager, and Wales Leadership Board Member, says “We have been on a journey towards being a responsible business for numerous years. In addition to our long-standing commitment to supporting local charities and events (e.g. Young Farmers, Eisteddfod, sports groups) we are active members of BITC, are signatories to the包装托管法协议并坐在他们的供应链温室气体减少工作组。我们也是三个威尔士食品集群的成员,与国家农民联盟经常对话,以支持自己的净零目标。“


As the hospitality and food retail sectors suffered due to COVID-19 lockdowns, Castell Howell has diversified its product and service offering to meet changing needs, always keeping true to its environmental ethos. A key mark of its adaptable approach saw Castell Howell develop customer relations for its seafood business,凯尔特海岸鱼公司, which helped it gain a firmer foothold in the direct-to-door supply chain. Key customer Abel & Cole sell sustainable fish to customers via its website and home delivery service. The online food retailer has embedded environmentally friendly practice and a strong social conscience since it started life over 30 years ago selling potatoes to local people in South East London.

通过Castell Howell的BITC成员的进展帮助业务努力迎接ABEL和COLE负责任的供应商要求。“在通过Abel&Cole'Ecodesk'门户完成评估时,能够参考与Bitc的气候相关的工作以及我们的支持是有帮助的National Business Response Network (NBRN), Business Class partnerships, and commitments to wellbeing” says Ed. “Each of these elements helped our scores, and have helped put a thriving, values-led Welsh business firmly on the map.” Stemming from this, Celtic Coast are in the process of working towardsB CORP认证,再次受益于Bitc成员,以帮助发展治理标准并制定具有挑战性的环境和社会效益目标。万博体育官网手机版

Meeting global standards, supporting Welsh society

Ed and his team have also felt real value in having BITC’s support when working with other key customers, stakeholders, and regulators, both in terms of hands-on guidance, and in being able to draw inspiration from examples of best practice from other members of the network. Castell Howell is currently working towards meeting the internationally recognisedISO 14001,涉及完成环境方面注册。万博体育官网手机版它发现这一过程通过对其影响的影响和改善的机会具有更清晰,整体的理解,已经缓解了这种过程。Castell Howell靠近回家,从事一系列威尔士政府战略,包括经济行动计划,旨在为所有人推动繁荣。“成为比特党的成员帮助我们阐明了我们当地社区的工作的社会和经济价值,以及我们服务的地方”德国说道。“它还帮助我们真正了解我们通过采购和供应链流程所取得的积极的气候有意识的贡献。”

展望未来,Castell Howell热衷于建立它的进展,并继续体现可持续的商业模式,不仅支持其核心业务,还支持其客户,供应商,社区和当地生态系统。它认识到需要进一步加强其净零承诺,因此将与比特群环境顾问密切合作,以发展更强大的碳管理策略。万博体育官网手机版从谦虚,家族开端,食品供应商已证明准备适应并向部门同行的宝贵领导,以及其他自豪的威尔士商家。董事总经理Brian Jones Mbe表示,“我一直认为业务基于不仅仅是短期利润,这是关于信任。多年来,我们已经认识到我们对所有利益相关者,我们的客户,我们的劳动力,更广泛的社区和环境都有责任。万博体育官网手机版我们都需要一个可持续的商业模式,一个建造持续的商业模式。“

Take action on the environment today


如果您不是社区的业务成员,请联系我们狗万买球下载咨询服务团队有关我们的环境咨询服务或与我们的信息交谈的更多信息万博体育官网手机版会员团队to discuss how we can help you take your responsible business journey further.

You can also commit to further action on the environment by taking the actions outlined in ourChallenge 2030 campaign,这呼吁企业将气候行动放在负责任的努力中的核心。