皇家邮政集团 - 负责任的商业冠军:健康和福祉







  • 为了证明其对心理健康的承诺,皇家邮政集团(RMG)签署了与工会(CWU&Unite / CMA)的“改变承诺” - 第一个采取这种方法的组织。
  • 随后是与MH基金会的创新伙伴关系,以及发展五个短定制意识电影的发展。超过8,000名员工在线观看过。这些电影现已适应和释放到公众,以便其他人可以从他们包含的重要信息中受益。
  • 与儿童行动一起;思想和心理健康英国也被支持为其慈善合作伙伴。直接支持儿童运动行动,邵晓博士(遵守纲要和可持续发展全球总监)参加了2018年CEO睡眠的儿童睡眠行动,筹集了10万英镑,为蓝调计划贡献。
  • 2017年,RMG推出了其五年的MH战略“因为健康的思想重要”,结合了集团范围的计划和本地活动,以支持具有明确目标的健康思想。
  • 它的“因为健康的思想重要的”电子学习课程在内部开发,使管理者能够支持和路标的技能。电子学习已完成9,500(92%)的管理人员。电子学习被包含在其经理归纳,并通过其感觉第一级门户进行调整和使其提供给130,000个前线同事。

“在皇家邮政集团,我们致力于进一步改善员工的心理健康和福祉。Our people are our biggest asset and therefore through our ‘Because Healthy Minds Matter’ activity we aspire to develop a culture where individuals feel supported and informed to take ownership for their own health, physical or mental, so that they can bring the best version of themselves to work, every-day. Raising awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health conversations takes time, but we have already seen some great successes and remain committed and in it for the ‘long haul’. The data is compelling in terms of the commercial requirement to maximise employee attendance and our corporate social responsibilities to give long term focus in this area. Fundamentally however, at the heart of this strategy, is the aim to improve the wellbeing of today’s employees and deliver a stronger workforce for the future,” Dr Shaun Davis, Global Director Compliance & Sustainability, Royal Mail Group.
