Sodexo – Responsible Business Champion: Environment

Sodexo, creating a Better Tomorrow

The UPS Environmental Sustainability Award

Sodexo’smission is to improve the quality of life of those it serves and to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities, regions and countries in which it operates. Sodexo’s Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments embody principles of diversity, sustainability, environmental awareness, local prosperity and respect for every kind of resource the company works with.

Our corporate responsibility ambitions support our mission to enhance the quality of life and improve the communities of those we serve. Better Tomorrow 2025 will help us accomplish this

Sean Haley, regional chair, Sodexo UK & Ireland

Environmental impacts

Sodexo has:

  • saved 3.6million plastic straws and stirrers
  • increased the sale of reusable bags from 1%-94% (Oct 2018-Oct 2019)
  • donated £11,743 to theMarine Conservation Society
  • 加客户杯882380次,2019年,through its Simply Cups partnership, diverted 838,250 cups from landfill
  • through it Wasteful to Tasteful initiative, it saved 108,195kg vegetables and 11,825kg fruit from landfill between January 2019 – Feb 2020
  • swapping to SYR recycled products it will save 21,700kwh of energy, 300kg of C02, 61 barrels of oil and 86 cubic meters of landfill space in a year
  • through its Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme it achieved overall consumption reduction from properties and business travel: 146,047,651kWh to 95,852,596kWh (34% reduction over 4 years) due to reduction in transport-associated emissions, less fleet vehicles, better MPG on vehicles and less contracted mileage for company cars
  • Waste recycling:Sodexo Justice Services’ prisons reduced total consumption from 39,792,206kWh to 38,028,900kWh between October 2018 and September 2019
  • At DVLA it conducted a range of waste management site audits to identify opportunities for improvements and innovative solutions, achieving more than a 70% increase in office recycling, with approximately four tonnes diverted from general waste. It also diverted 100% of the waste generated on site from landfill thanks to newly identified disposal routes.
  • Food waste:At its WasteWatch trial site Johnson & Johnson, it avoided wasting 38,933 meals saving 121.8metric tonnes of CO2.
  • Energy consumption:Installed LED Lighting at its Tillery Valley factory and Salford office leading to a 70% reduction in energy consumption.
  • 92% of energy it purchases is renewable.
  • 可持续供应链:100% of the fish it buys is MSC certified, 75% beef, 72% pork is Red Tractor certified.

Business impacts

  • Internal Reputation:In its 2018 global employee engagement survey, 80% agreed they are ‘a socially and environmentally responsible organisation’, against a 74% benchmark. The company recognises sustainability is a key consideration for employees and encourages action wherever possible.
  • Financials:In 2019 the company renewed a €1.3 billion revolving credit facility (RCF) to incorporate a pricing adjustment based on performance towards goal, to prevent 50% of the food waste and food losses from its operations by 2025.