The Bupa Health and Wellbeing Award: Anglian Water

Winner of the Business in the Community’s Bupa Health and Wellbeing Award 2019.

Anglian Water: Taking stock of staff wellbeing with focus on mental health and financial stability

  • 300 applications for low-cost loans
  • A third of staff access information on financial wellbeing
  • 100 calls to staff to establish key wellbeing issues

Anglian Water takes the health and safety of its 5,000 staff seriously. The wellbeing of employees – not only onsite technicians, but those in offices and depots too – is part of a holistic approach to ensuring that everybody’s physical, mental, social and financial health is the best it can be.

“Our ability to perform as a business is linked entirely to the performance of the people within it. We have a fundamental belief that looking after our people is the right thing to do, but also from a business point of view if our colleagues are fit, well and safe they are likely to be more productive and deliver a better service to our customers.”

Peter Simpson, CEO, Anglian Water

The water and wastewater company’s Wellbeing Strategy is based on research commissioned to determine what employees thought were key issues affecting their health and wellbeing at work. More than 100 phone calls were made to employees and an online survey was carried out with an 80% response rate.

Central to the strategy is building parity between physical and mental wellbeing by normalising discussion about mental health in the workplace. The business is running more targeted internal campaigns that support the biggest reasons for sickness absence. An online hub full of information on wellbeing topics is proving useful. Recognising that stress and anxiety can be a result of poor financial wellbeing, the company is offering low-cost loans to employees, as well as a loyalty savings scheme. Since its launch, 300 applications have been made for loans, of which 60% (more than 180 employees) helped to consolidate debt, and about a third of staff have visited the partner website run by Neyber for information on financial wellbeing.

Information in this case study has been supplied by Anglian Water.

What the judges said…

“Anglian Water have applied a model and developed their own coherent, and highly comprehensive strategy which is clearly at the heart of their business objectives. Demonstrating breadth and depth, we can see a huge range of services and support that was inclusive for all colleagues, as well as embracing some of the more cutting edge initiatives such as being menopause-friendly and exploring financial wellbeing.

“With the support of incredible senior leadership, they have laid solid foundations and then continually learnt through listening to their colleagues, communities and supply chain.”

Mark Allan, Commercial Director, Bupa

Business in the Community is creating a skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow