Healthy Communities

Business in the Community’s (BITC) Healthy Communities focus is about influencing responsible business practices that make jobs accessible and attractive to all. Once people are in post employers need to ensure they are healthy, happy and engaged. They should feel they belong, have a voice, are valued and are able to be their true selves.

健康的社区是BITC的一部分Responsible Business MapTM值, which guides our members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.

Business in the Community is a network of progressive businesses who look beyond the profit motive, who want to make a difference within society and who are prepared to collaborate to bring about change.




Jacob Sakil - 青年活动家,社区战略家,青年司法委员会成员和Lewisham 2009/10的前年轻市长 - 分享了他的就业经验以及企业如何对影响年轻人的危机采取行动。万博体育电脑网页版