CSR360 Global Partner Network

CSR360 Global Partner Network is aglobal network of not-for-profit organisationsworking with businesses to improve their positive impact on society.

Your organisation or sector may call this work corporate responsibility (CR), corporate social responsbility (CSR), sustainability or corporate citizenship but at Business in the Community (BITC) we call it responsible business. Irrespective of the name used, BITC can help you put creating healthy communities and a healthy environment at the centre of your strategy to achieve long-term financial value.

CSR360 GPN can support your company in developing and delivering its responsible business strategy worldwide through

  • Access to organisations experienced in responsible business in more than 25 countries
  • Brokerage and relationship building on a local scale
  • Specialist local knowledge of responsible business and the cultural, social and business environment of a particular country
  • Opportunity for collaboration with other international and local companies
  • Access to responsible business resources including toolkits, handbooks and publications
  • The network complements global organisations such as the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and initiatives such as the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and the UN Global Goals that address global issues but need a network of intermediaries

Through the network, partners have access to:

  • Capacity building by exchanging best practice, tools and ideas with other partners of the network
  • Access to material, case studies and newsletters featuring international corporate social responsibility (CSR) topics
  • Opportunities for networking and collaboration on a variety of responsible projects, programmes and research

CSR360 GPN’s Vision

网络的合作伙伴在地里干活的职责onsible business, inspiring and engaging business to help build a more sustainable and just world.

CSR360 GPN’s Mission

To develop a network of contributing partners working together to

  • Share and raise awareness of responsible business practice
  • Co-operate on common priorities and projects
  • Foster change for global sustainable business and society
  • Strengthen and build the delivery capacity of partners