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South East: Taking action on employment and skills

Mar 24
Date and time
Wed, 24 March @ 14:00 - 16:00
WebinarUnited Kingdom
Open to BITC members and non-members, Community investment practitioners/managers, CSR/responsible business practitioners/managers, HR/people/talent management practitioners/managers
Reserve your place


Open to BITC members and non-members, Community investment practitioners/managers, CSR/responsible business practitioners/managers and HR/people/talent management practitioners/managers

Wed, 24 March 2021@14:0016:00

Join this webinar to learn how you can help ensure no one gets left behind in the South East.

UK unemployment is likely to reach 2.69 million by the middle of 20211. COVID-19 has driven up unemployment and exacerbated inequalities in society – young people, women, low paid workers, older workers and black, Asian and minority ethnic groups have been hardest hit.



Join our virtual events taking place across the country. Understand the challenges faced by individuals, and the practical steps your business can take to:

  • 拓展视野through job coaching and insights into career opportunities
  • Develop essential skillsthrough Kickstart, Apprenticeships and work experience opportunities
  • Create a level playing fieldthrough removing recruitment barriers


Creatingmeaningful employment是企业为个人和社区生计作出贡献的最重要方式之一,也是许多人摆脱贫困的唯一可持续途径。

A number of regional focussed ‘Taking action on employment and skills’ events will be taking place including:


Business in the Community’s employment campaign
Offering quality experience of work, adopting new approaches to recruitment and breaking down barriers to entering work for people from disadvantaged groups can benefit business by tackling skills shortages, building new talent pipelines, boosting retention rates and achieving higher productivity.

Contact details and further information
For more information about this webinar contact弗洛伦斯休斯, Events Manager at BITC. Full joining instructions will be sent before the event.

Following government advice on social distancing, all BITC events over the coming months will be delivered remotely via digital technology.

Business in the Community is creating a skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow

¹Unemployment rate: How many people are out of work? The BBC (January 2021).