负责任的业务Management Training

A six-module training programme for professionals designing and delivering responsible business strategies and corporate responsibility programmes. Accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).

The six modules focus on a different area of skill and knowledge required to develop and implement a responsible business strategy. Your organisation or sector may call this work corporate responsibility (CR), corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability or corporate citizenship but at Business in the Community (BITC) we call it responsible business. Irrespective of the name used, BITC can help you put creating healthy communities and a healthy environment at the centre of your strategy to achieve long-term financial value.


  • Develop skills and tools to create and implement a responsible business strategy and implement your CR activities
  • Learn from responsible business experts at BITC and relevant membership organisations
  • Increase organisational buy-in for your responsible business ambitions
  • 获得信心并增强您在团队外面的影响力
  • 在负责任的业务和六个月的领导和管理协会(ILM)会员中获得认证证书
  • Access to a network of peers on the course and join an active alumni network

Module descriptions

1. Strategy Foundations


2. Stakeholder Engagement


3. Defining What Matters: Risk and Materiality

Using a risk framework and an impact and likelihood assessment tool we will show you how to get responsible business issues onto your organisation’s risk register. This will ensure that they are getting attention at the highest levels. Additionally, we will demonstrate the tools for you to build an accurate materiality matrix for your organisation that considers the opinions of your stakeholders and an assessment of the impact of the issues on your organisational strategic objectives



5. Building a Culture of Responsibility

Find out how to use your strategy to embed leadership at all levels in your organisation. You will consider how responsible business impacts all functions and levels of seniority. This covers employee engagement, responsible investment, supply chains and responsible sales and marketing. You will also learn about different approaches to responsible business governance to ensure a whole organisation approach. You will leave with specific, practical actions to improve engagement at all levels of your organisation.


Learn how to gain traction for your company’s responsible business programme. This module was developed in conjunction with Cranfield University and will give you the tools you need to identify changes you want to make and drive the process from wherever you sit in the organisation.



  • work for an organisation that is part of BITC’s network of responsible businesses or is looking to join the movement
  • have a role in development and delivery of responsible business strategies or programmes
  • have an intermediate level of knowledge about some aspects of responsible business and are ambitious to develop their skills and desire to drive a best practice approach.

Price for one participant

  • Full course BITC member rate:£3,200 plus VAT
  • Full course non-member rate:£4,000 plus VAT

We apply a 25 per cent discount to the cost for a second participant.

Most delegates attend all six modules of one cohort. Some people take modules from different cohorts and a minority of delegates attend single modules on the topic that is most pertinent to them.

Individual module costs

  • BITC members £640 plus VAT
  • 非成员800英镑加入增值税


Upcoming training dates

Cohort 28 – 2020-21

7 Oct – Strategy foundations
27 Oct – Stakeholder collaboration
24 November – Risk and materiality
26 Jan – Community investment strategy
23 Feb –建立责任文化
23 March –推动变革

Cohort 29 – 2021

11 Feb –Strategy foundations
25 Feb –Stakeholder collaboration
11 Mar –风险和唯物性
25 Mar –Community investment strategy
6 May –推动变革

COHORT 30 - 2021

4月13日 -Strategy foundations
27 Apr –Stakeholder collaboration
5月11日 -风险和唯物性
25 May –Community investment strategy
15 Jun –建立责任文化
29 Jun –推动变革



