开始:vcalendar版本:2.0 prodId: - //社区中的业务狗万买球下载 - ECPv5.1.5 // nonsgml v1.0 // en calscale:gregorian方法:发布x-wr-calname:社区x-original-url中的业务://www.instecho.com x-wr-caldesc:狗万投注平台社区的业务活动开始:v狗万买球下载timezone tzid:欧洲/伦敦开始:Daylight Tzoffsetfrom:+0000 Tzoffsetto:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTStart:20210328T010000 END:夏令时:标准TZOFFSETO:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:GMT DTSTART:20211031T010000端末端:标准末端:VimonZone开始:VEVENT DTSTART; TZID =欧洲/伦敦:20210323T093000 DTEND; TZID =欧洲/伦敦:20210323T163000 DTSTAMP:20210113T002219创建:20200206T151945Z上次修改:20201209T104003z UID:3407-1616491800-1616517000@www.instecho.com摘要:培训课程:驾驶负责任的商业驾驶变更 - 伦敦描述:\ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \nThis course\, jointly developed by Business in the Community (BITC) and Cranfield University\, will give those attending the tools needed to get traction on a company’s responsible business programme. \nCourse objectives\nAt the end of this course\, attendees should: \n\nknow how to recognise their organisational context and the related enablers and barriers to implementing change for responsible business\nunderstand which tools to use to drive change\nbe able to identify the change their corporate responsibility program is trying to create\, how to prioritise issues and manage change projects\nunderstand how to effectively drive change from their position in the organisation\,\n\nDelegate organisations will benefit from: \n\na bespoke action plan for initiating a specific change program for corporate responsibility\nmore effective identification and delivery of financial\, social and environmental goals\na more efficient and effective approach to integrating corporate responsibility.\n\nCourse outline\n\nUnderstanding your change context: evaluating your organisation’s corporate responsibility maturity and values\, the specific issues you face\, and your own skills and capabilities.\nUsing change management for corporate responsibility: what changes are required to integrate CR\, and what enablers\, obstacles and drivers exist. Special attention is given to driving change from a position of limited authority.\nChange management tools and techniques: how to use them to provide a clear case for change\, overcome obstacles and leverage enablers.\nManaging change: how to break down your initiative into manageable parts\, continuous communication\, conflict management\, key performance indicators and timelines.\nCompany guest speaker: a speaker from a leading company which has undergone successful change will present their approach to corporate responsibility and managing change.\n\nWho should attend?\nThe course is designed for anyone with responsibility for integrating and embedding aspects of corporate responsibility within their organisation. They may be a responsible business manager or have responsibility for a specific aspect of responsible business. Their job is to drive change through the organisation to increase financial\, social and environmental performance. The course assumes a basic level of responsible business knowledge. \nPrice\n\nBITC Members £480 plus VAT or one credit\nNon-members £595 plus VAT\n\nContact for further information\nTo reserve a place on this module or for further information\, contact CRTraining@bitc.org.uk. \nFull joining instructions will be disclosed on booking. \nFind out more about BITC’s ILM accredited six-module training programme for professionals designing and delivering responsible business strategies and corporate responsibility programmes. \n \nLEARN MORE \nHow Business in the Community innovates to sustain and repair our planet. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollowing government advice on social distancing\, all BITC events over the coming months will be delivered remotely via digital technology. Details on how to join will be sent prior to the event. \n\n\n URL://www.instecho.com/event/training-course-driving-change-for-responsible-business-london-3/ CATEGORIES:Training Course END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR