Employers that have banned the box

Find out about the companies who have removed the tick box from application forms and instead ask about criminal convictions later in the recruitment process.

So far, over 150 employers have signed up to Ban the Box, coveringmore than 1 million roles. Find out who those companies are, why Ban the Box is important to them and how they manage their application processes

Business in the Community’s (BITC) Ban the Box campaign calls on employers to create fair opportunities for ex-offenders to compete for jobs. They can do this by removing the criminal convictions tick box from application forms, and asking about offences later in the recruitment process. Ban the Box employers publicly commit to fairly assessing criminal convictions; judging candidates first and foremost on the basis of their skills and suitability for a role, rather than their past mistakes.

Objective and transparent recruitment practices give people with criminal convictions, who are skilled and able to work, the opportunity to compete fairly for roles and move on from their past mistakes. There are business benefits too – increasing the diversity of the talent pool and reducing the unnecessary exclusion of talented individuals from roles.

give people with criminal convictions a chance

Offering quality experience of work, adopting new approaches to recruitment and breaking down barriers to entering work for people from disadvantaged groups can benefit business by tackling skills shortages, building new talent pipelines, boosting retention rates and achieving higher productivity.

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