Everyday Inclusion – Recommendations

This factsheet outlines practical steps to create a more inclusive workplace culture.

This factsheetEveryday Inclusion – Recommendations, outlines practical steps to create a more inclusive workplace culture. These recommendations are drawn from the rapid evidence review,What can employers do to foster inclusive culture?, sponsored by Santander and prepared by the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership (GIWL) at Kings College London for Business in the Community.

This factsheet provides best practice Everyday Inclusion recommendations on the following topics:

  • Confrontations – Confronting colleagues seen or heard acting in a non-inclusive way can be intimidating. It can also be difficult to be sure what you witnessed was discriminatory and decide whether incident is serious enough to intervene. However, research shows that confrontation can have beneficial results. Find out how best to intervene.
  • Leaders and line managers – Learn how leaders and line managers can foster an inclusive culture.
  • Communication – Company communications can often be the first way that both employees and external stakeholders understand an organisation’s commitment to creating an inclusive workplace. Conveying that you appreciate the differing concerns and experiences that different groups experience is often more effective than blanket diversity statements.
  • Diversity training – Read how to make these programmes as effective as possible.

Together we can create workplaces where everyone feels included

The impact of COVID-19 on inclusion is still being understood. Early signs are that for many, increased pressure and the move of many staff to home working could be making the situation worse.

The Business in the Community (BITC) Everyday Inclusion campaign supports employers to ensure their employees feel they belong, have a voice, are valued and are able to be their true selves.

BITC research shows that almost half of UK employees regularly experience non-inclusive behaviours – often in the form of unintended ‘microaggressions’.

This has an impact on wellbeing and wider performance and undermines employers’ efforts to foster inclusive working cultures.

Business in the Community is creating a skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow