Everyday Inclusion Briefing: what are inclusive cultures?

This factsheet provides a vision for inclusive cultures and outlines actions needed to achieve it. The factsheet also outlines the ambition of Business in the Community’s (BITC) Everyday Inclusion campaign. BITC is bringing together our multi-faceted inclusion work to ensure all employees feel they belong, have a voice, are valued and are able to be their true selves.

Download the factsheet to find out more about

  • what an inclusive working culture is
  • how businesses and other employers can create inclusive cultures
  • the evidence base
  • how BITC can support.

About Everyday Inclusion

The events of 2020 have thrown a stark light on the divisions that exist between us. From the health inequalities of COVID-19 and the way in which the economic crisis is impacting more heavily on some than others to the anti-racist protests highlighting ongoing racism; many are asking how to create a fairer, more equal world. At Business in the Community (BITC), we believe business has a powerful role to play.

Prior to the pandemic, BITC research showed that, despite organisation’s best efforts, many employees felt excluded at work. Women, younger workers and employees from black, Asian and ethnic minority communities were more likely to face ‘non-inclusive behaviours’ at work, from seemingly benign, low level slights such as inappropriate jokes and other micro-aggressions to deliberate harassment and discrimination1. The Everyday Inclusion campaign will ensure all employees feel welcome and included at work.

Together we can create workplaces where everyone feels included

The impact of COVID-19 on inclusion is still being understood. Early signs are that for many, increased pressure and the move of many staff to home working could be making the situation worse.

The Business in the Community Everyday Inclusion campaign supports employers to ensure their employees feel they belong, have a voice, are valued and are able to be their true selves.

BITC research shows that almost half of UK employees regularly experience non-inclusive behaviours, often in the form of unintended ‘microaggressions’.

This has an impact on wellbeing and wider performance and undermines employers’ efforts to foster inclusive working cultures.

Business in the Community is creating a skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow


1. Business in the Community and Deloitte (2019), YouGov Survey Findings, Workplace Discrimination, October. Polling undertaken of 2,000 UK employees.