Race at Work Charter executive sponsors: Top tips to become a visible leader on ethnicity

Tips to help executive sponsors for race become visible leaders on ethnicity, including tips on making the case for action, engaging people and setting targets.

Tips to help executive sponsors for race in organisations to become visible leaders on ethnicity, including tips on making the case for action, engaging your people and setting ethnicity targets.

This factsheet is aimed at executive sponsors for race in organisations that have signed theBusiness in the Community (BITC) Race at Work Charter, giving tips on visible leadership on ethnicity.

The role of an executive sponsor for race in an organisation is key, but, despite this, theRace at Work 2018 Scorecard One Year on Reportdemonstrated that only 33 per cent of employees said there was an executive sponsor for equality, diversity and fairness at the top of their organisation.

Executives told us that leaders tasked with being a race sponsor within organisations would benefit from support to make the business case for action, engaging with employees and stakeholders and taking targeted action.

With more than 200 employers having signed the Race at Work Charter, BITC produced material to support executive sponsors in those organisations.

In conjunction with theBITC Race Equality Leadership Team, this factsheet shares tips for executive sponsors. These include:

  • Make the case for action:To be a successful executive sponsor, it is important to articulate the commercial case for change.
  • Engage your people:An objective for an executive sponsor for race is to be visible and engage the organisation with the mission for ethnicity equality in the workplace.
  • Set ethnicity targets:An important part of this role is to set and implement a strategy to achieve ethnicity targets.

If your business is not already a signatory, sign theRace at Work Charternow. For more in-depth resources,join BITC.


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