Gary Lapthorn in blue suit and red tie smiles

Gary Lapthorn

Head of Sustainability and Responsible Business, Commercial Banking,
Lloyds Banking Group

Environment Leadership Team

Gary Lapthorn is Head of Sustainability and Responsible Business for the commercial banking division at Lloyds Banking Group.

Gary has worked for the group since 1986 and has spent most of his career in commercial banking with leadership roles covering proposition development, marketing, and risk appetite, before setting up the sustainability and responsible business function in 2016.

Gary has built the commercial banking sustainability strategy on three pillars. The first is investing in colleagues so that they feel confident to engage on the topic with clients and other stakeholders. The second involves making ambitious commitments to help clients including the availability of green finance products and funding. The final pillar is about supporting the transition to a more sustainable economy through partnerships, thought leadership, and visible engagement.

Gary completed the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership business and sustainability programme in 2017, and also has a master’s degree in marketing from the University of South Wales.

He is also a Board Trustee for the national charity Contact, which supports families with disabled children.

About Business in the Community’s Environment Leadership Team

Each area of work Business in the Community (BITC) undertakes is led by a group of senior executives who provide strategic guidance and support us in achieving our objectives.

The purpose ofBusiness in the Community’s Environment Leadership Teamis to help business drive innovation that turns the threats of the climate emergency into opportunity for people and nature.

Find out more aboutBITC’s work on the environment.