Karen Marshall sitting on a bus, smiling

Karen Marshall

Apprentice, Education and Engagement Lead,

North East Leadership Board

Karen has worked for over 25 years with digital businesses, initially as a Microsoft Certified Trainer, writing and developing training programmes, then latterly in strategic roles for both public- and private-sector organisations.

Her work has enabled her to develop extensive technical industry contacts, gaining insight to their current and future skills needs.

Working with the tech industry, educators and training organisations, Karen develops and supports strategic collaborations to influence and advise on the development of qualifications, products, services, policies and strategies that address employers’ skills needs and improve regional skills and productivity.

Karen managesAccenture’s Newcastle Delivery Centre’sdegree apprenticeship programme, and liaises with partners and schools to develop and deliver engagement activities to promote digital career opportunities in the North East. Accenture’s outreach and engagement programme reaches more than 18,000 young people and their influencers each year.

Karen is impressed by the work that Business in the Community does across a wide range of issues. She is proud to play a part in this process.