A whale and its calf



The Water Taskforce is a cross sectoral group that convenes to collaborate around shared problems on water and the natural environment. We use action research to address challenging environmental issues that impact across sectors and in partnership with government.

The Water Taskforce projects have identified that cross cutting themes such as innovative financing mechanisms, digital and skills are integral to overcoming environmental challenges that will achieve positive social change.


  • Healthy Ecosystems: Business in the Community (BITC) is working with businesses to improve the health of water, soil and habitats by working through their supply chains
  • Water Resilient Cities:A city wide programme on sustainable urban drainage (SuDs) for 367 schools and NHS sites in the urban pioneer, Greater Manchester would see a return on investment within 10 years and up to £14million in multiple benefits, including health and social benefits.
  • The Circular Economy of Water:Increasingly waste is travelling through drains and overland to end its journey in our marine and aquatic environments. BITC will highlight how businesses are working to address this, lead employee engagement opportunities and convene businesses around a commitment for change.

Find out more aboutBITC’s focus on the environment

Chaired byPeter Simpson, CEO Anglian Water