Apples at varying stages of consumption

WELLBEING leadershipteam


在社区的Wellbei业务的目狗万买球下载的ng Leadership Team is to build a movement that is committed to positioning health and wellbeing as strategic boardroom issues with a particular focus on mental health; driving collective action through evidence-based, practical solutions.


  • Work related mental health issues:to reduce the growing number of employees who say that work is contributing to poor mental health
  • Invest in, and increase the mental health capability of organisations:to explore employer-led interventions and facilitate sharing experiences to drive change in how UK employers approach mental health
  • Monitor and improve the nation’s mental health at work:to provide a consensus of employer recommendations to collectively improve mental health through our Mental Health at Work survey.

Chaired by David Oldfield, Group Director & CEO, Commercial Banking, Lloyds Banking Group