Business leaders call on Prime Minister to introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting


Brought together by Business in the Community (BITC) and its Race Equality Leadership Team, the employers have written a letter to Boris Johnson, urging him to recognise that a mandatory duty to report is seen as a tool to create fair workplaces rather than a burden.

理查德·奥尔滕塔,副主席和KPMG和陪审席BITC’s Race Equality Leadership Team, 说


Sandra Kerr CBE, race director at BITC, said

‘‘I hope that this letter will represent a line in the sand for the government. Now, only they can take the steps needed to help all businesses follow in the footsteps of forerunners like the members of BITC’s race leadership team. Employers aren’t running scared from ethnicity pay gap reporting – and neither should the Prime Minister.”


With COVID-19 rocking the foundations of our economy and society, it is more important than ever that employers take urgent steps to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) colleagues from disproportionate impact. Today, we are asking the Prime Minister to join us in that mission by making it mandatory for all organisations to report on their ethnicity pay gap.

经常,人们认为支付差距数据只是关于数字。事实上,它们只是一个终结的手段。通过提升关于我们的种族薪酬差距的对话给我们的执行团队和董事会,我们给予那些为我们工作的人 - 以及那些想要 - 我们花时间了解他们不同的观点的信仰。





Amanda Mackenzie Obe,行政长官,社区业务狗万买球下载
Richard Iferenta,副主席和KPMG的合作伙伴,Bitc比赛平等领导团队主席
Alex Chadwick,伦敦管理合作伙伴,Baker McKenzie
Andrew Haines,行政长官,网络铁路
Carmen Watson,董事总经理Pertemps
Dame Carolyn Fairbairn, director-general, CBI
David Dunckley, CEO, Grant Thornton UK LLP
David Hynam,CEO,Bupa Global&UK
Dimple Agarwal, deputy CEO and managing partner of people & purpose, Deloitte
Doug Brown,Ceo英国,加拿大生活有限公司
Frances O'Grady,总书记联盟大会
Hywel Ball,英国和I区域管理合作伙伴和英国椅子,EY
Joe Garner,全国大厦协会首席执行官Joe Garner
Lord Karan Bilimoria CBE DL, chair of Change the Race Ratio
Karen Blackett OBE, UK country manager, WPP & UK CEO, GroupM
Laura Hinton, executive board member and chief people officer, PwC
Sutherland的首席执行官Lee Ranson
Nathan Bostock,首席执行官,桑坦德英国PLC
Matthew Taylor, CEO, The RSA
Mike Haigh, executive chair, Mott MacDonald
Neville Koopowitz,首席执行官,生命力

Ruby McGregor-Smith CBE, president, British Chamber of Commerce
Sinead Lynch,乡村椅子,壳牌英国
Steve Murrells, CEO, the Co-Op
Susan Bright, global managing partner for diversity & inclusion and responsible business, Hogan Lovells
Tulsi Naidu,苏黎世英国首席执行官


Inequality in the workplace:

  • 最近在社区业务的研究狗万买球下载发现,全国矿工工会几乎没有变化ber of black people in senior professional roles since 2012, representing just 1.5% of managers, directors and senior officials in the UK.
  • BITC’s 2020 Race at Work Black Voicesreport found that 33% of black employees feel their ethnicity will be a barrier to their next career move, compared to only 1% of white employees.
  • BITC’s research shows这只有11%的公司在自愿地报告他们的种族薪水差距。
  • 2017年,政府认识到可能需要强制性义务,回应McGregor-Smith Review’s recommendationto introduce one by saying they would monitor voluntary reporting for a year but that they stood by, ready to act should companies not do enough. In January 2019, a formal consultation on ethnicity pay gaps closed. The government response has yet to be published.


Business in the Community (BITC) is the oldest and largest business-led membership organisation dedicated to responsible business. We were created nearly 40 years ago by HRH The Prince of Wales to champion responsible business. We inspire, engage and challenge members and we mobilise that collective strength as a force for good in society to:

  • 为今天和明天制定熟练和包容的劳动力;
  • 建立人们想要生活和工作的繁荣社区;
  • 创新以维持和修复我们的星球。


Isabel Wilkinson, Business in the Community

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