

英国经济取决于城镇和城市治理ing the potential of every man and woman who lives in them. Our towns and cities have always been at the heart of economic development and the creation of prosperity whether as marketplaces or as centres of enterprise, knowledge, culture, learning and innovation. However, the forces changing the way we live work and learn today, exacerbated by the advances in digital technology, are leaving too many communities behind. There is an unacceptable gap between those who are benefitting from the changes and those who are not. This is creating a fracture in society and a breakdown in trust between business and society which demands a strong business-led response.



  • Town Deal-这Pride of Place partnership is working to secure a strategic ‘Town Deal’ for Blackpool, to tackle deprivation and to develop the economy. Paul Smith is Chairing the Towns Fund Board, which is submitting its Town Investment Plan to Government in July.

You can read the Town Prospectus – Agenda for Action 2030

  • 土生土长的Network-这Pride of Place partnership has created a土生土长的校友网络。这些大使在布莱克浦诞生或升起,或者对该地区特别兴趣。该网络有助于我们说服和影响国家机构,并在英国最着名的海滨度假胜地恢复自豪。
  • Claremont-这Pride of Place has taken a ‘ground up’ community focus in the Claremont Ward of Blackpool. Claremont forms around a quarter of Blackpool’s inner area and suffers from intense deprivation, facing challenges of high rates of unemployment and crime combined with poor health outcomes and low average household incomes.
  • 王子7为70个项目-这Pride of Place is supporting this project, which is one of seven across the UK undertaken by The Prince’s Foundation to coincide with HRH Prince Charles’s 70th birthday in 2018, in a campaign known as 7 for 70. The Fleetwood Trust purchased the largely-vacant former hospital building in 2018 and is now developing a vibrant, sustainable venue for much-needed services and support. The vision includes facilities and flexible spaces for partners from the health care and voluntary sectors working within the Town to support residents’ wellbeing.
  • 跨大西洋连接-这Blackpool Pride of Place partnership is helping to create a ‘Digital strategy’ to improve the socio-economic outcomes for Blackpool and to create better lives. The Trans-Atlantic Cable, which connects Blackpool to New York faster than London, will bring economic opportunities to the town. The cable will be an important component of Blackpool’s digital infrastructure.
  • 负责任的商业网络-这Fylde Coast Responsible Business Network(RBN)是一群致力于支持当地社区的企业。它已经有所作为,并创造了一个繁荣的本地企业网络,分享如何最好地支持社区的洞察力,专业知识和知识。它的主要运动是;帮助年轻人为工作世界做准备,并支持那些就业的人,回到工作。万博体育电脑网页版
Pilot activity in Rochdale

BITC is working with business, the Rochdale Development Agency and community groups to deliver transformational change in Rochdale.

  • Rochdale Collaboration
    We convene businesses already working with the community in Rochdale to share information and maximise opportunities. The focus of work is currently helping skills and employability in schools and further education.
  • Rochdale负责商业网络是一群致力于支持当地社区的罗奇代尔业务。在跨领域协作工作,它有助于分享如何最佳支持社区的洞察力,专业知识和知识。

    Please complete this form if you are a Rochdale business interested in joining the network

Pilot activity in Wisbech

WISBECH 2020 Vision在政治领导人之间讨论了Fenland District Counciland剑桥郡县议会, along with the MP for North East Cambridgeshire. All agreed that the challenges Wisbech faced were greater than those elsewhere in their constituencies. Public bodies and private sector partners needed to think differently about what to do united by ‘a passion to deliver a prosperous future’. Formally launched in 2013 and reviewed in 2017, The Vision focuses on education and skills, health and wellbeing and cohesion, infrastructure and built environment and the local economy.



我们的Brave New World report表明,数字技术有机会支持传统上留下的社区。这可以通过利用数据来完成以更好地了解当地人口,挑战和机遇,增加社区之间的连通性,并提高运输和教育等重点服务的有效性和效率。


BITC’s Responsible Digital Business programme seeks to work with organisations to ensure that this digital transformation is ethical, sustainable and inclusive and that their innovations are developed in recognition of these challenges.

Action on loneliness in Norwich


Aviva plc, a British multinational insurance company set up the诺威奇在一起联盟凭借将组织共同推动诺威奇的孤独问题。

在2020年的夏天,业务在社区(狗万买球下载BITC) took over driving forward the Alliance. Currently 25 organisations are able to support and deliver community interventions.


What the Norwich Together Alliance stands for:
At The Norwich Together Alliance, we do not believe that loneliness should define you. Or that you should have to fight it alone. This is why the Alliance brings together the various projects designed to tackle the urgent problem of loneliness. The collaboration makes it easier for anyone who may need help to be reached.

If you are looking for ways to tackle loneliness, get in touch. And we will take it on together.
Email us at Norwich Together

Tackle loneliness in Norwich with us:Contact the team