Bonus Episode: Best of The Lens Season 3

In this special episode we round-up the highlights of The Lens – UK Business Podcast Season 3
The Lens podcast log

What a year it has been!

Many thanks to all our listeners all over the world. To Fujitsu and McCann for their generous support of this podcast, to One Young World, our Business In The Community (BITC) member companies and of course, to our inspiring guests: the senior and future leaders making the world of business more responsible, illuminating new perspectives and leading by example.

谢谢你的倾听和曲调in for Season 4.

Our guests

Ann Pickering, Chief Human Resources Officer and Chief of Staff, O2on returning to work:interview tips, authentic support and what inclusion really looks like.

Olivia Cramer, Deal Crafter, The Craftorydiscusses challenger brands, rebellious entrepreneurs, green energy and cause-driven business.

Jan Gooding, Chair, Stonewalltalks about community, communication and inclusion in these uncertain times.

Joe Gilbert, Cloud Native Engineer, Fujitsuexplains how to be a better ally and the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on his own life, as well as those of colleagues and friends.

Dr Siobhan Gardiner, Climate Change and Environmental Lead, Deloitteexplores the future of plastic and her mission to bring the value of science to those who need it most.

Carlotta Giacché, Associate, Coordinating Ambassador UK, One Young Worldon risk, opportunity and sustainable finance.

Sheree Atcheson, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Monzo Bankexplains how transparency and connectivity play a key role in diversity and inclusion.

Steve Murrells, Chief Executive, The Co-opon business with purpose and what it means to be a social enterprise.

Emily Rose Jenkins, Geotechnical Engineer, Transport for Waleson the future of housing, the future of travel, and how the two might combine.

Claudio Gienal, CEO, AXA UK and Irelandtalks about how cutting edge technology connects with tough business problems, how to make any business more innovative and how the future of healthcare will involve new forms of collaboration.

Ivan Kayima, CEO and Founder, Spielaon mentoring, taking risks and equality.

Anne Boden, Founder and CEO, Starling Bankon why standing for something is integral to business success, the difference between for-profit and profit-driven and using technology for good.

Chris Conway, Group Chief Executive, Translinkon the role of transport in building a cleaner and greener economy, infrastructure and future.

About The Lens Podcast

Powered by Fujitsu, supported by McCann and in partnership with One Young World, The Lens represents the breadth, diversity and priorities of the responsible business agenda. From gender equality to zero hours contracts, learning on the factory floor to activist businesses, The Lens covers a range of topics from a host of varying perspectives.

Each episode brings together a business and future leader to foster disruptive conversations and fresh connections. Innovators and CEOs join Oli Barrett in the studio for a unique conversation covering their journeys, lessons learned, advice, insight and of course, the inspirational person they would most like to meet for coffee.