Ban the Box

Business in the Community’s (BITC) Ban the Box campaign calls on UK employers to give people with criminal convictions a fair chance to compete for jobs by removing the tick box from application forms and instead asking about the convictions later in the recruitment process.

Employers often ask candidates about criminal convictions at the initial stage of a job application. If so, people with convictions are excluded from roles for which they may be qualified and capable of doing. By Banning the Box organisations get: access to a wider, more diverse talent pool; save on; recruitment costs; gain reputational benefit.

Find out more about theemployers who have signed up to Ban the Box.


Offering quality experience of work, adopting new approaches to recruitment and breaking down barriers to entering work for people from disadvantaged groups can benefit business by tackling skills shortages, building new talent pipelines, boosting retention rates and achieving higher productivity.


16 results
Case Studies

Ban the Box: How Bristol City Council became the first local authority Ban the Box employer

Bristol City Council has become the first local authority to ask applicants to disclose criminal convictions after, not before, a conditional job offer is made.
Case Studies

How construction companies are tackling skills shortages with Ban the Box

Read how companies such as  Costain, Tideway and North Midland Construction are developing tailored approaches for directly recruiting ex-offenders from prisons.
Case Studies


Boots work with HMP Sudbury and, along with agency partners Gi Group and AM2PM, offer prisoners the opportunity to work in their warehouse.
Case Studies

Seizing opportunities in construction through Ban the Box: Donna’s story

Costain offered Donna work despite her criminal convictions and supported her transition to the workplace, providing travel loans, smart clothes and flexible working arrangements.