Everyday Inclusion

Together we can create workplaces where everyone feels included

The Everyday Inclusion campaign from Business in the Community (BITC) is designed to support employers in ensuring their employees feel theybelong,have avoice, are重视and are able to be their真正selves.

Bitc研究表明,近一半的英国员工经常经历非包容行为 - 通常以意外的形式'microaggressions’. This has an impact on wellbeing and wider performance and undermines employers’ efforts to foster inclusive working cultures.

While the impact of COVID-19 on inclusion is still being understood, early signs are that for many, increased pressure and the move of many staff to home working could be making the situation worse.

What does Everyday Inclusion mean in the workplace?
Watch our video to learn about people’s real experiences

Watch our ‘Culture, Covid and Inclusion: Launch of Everyday Inclusion Campaign’ webinar to find out more


  • COVID-19, and the economic crisis, has or will entrench inequalities. It is likely to impact on some of those already feeling excluded. This will impact on D&I targets, eg the pay gap.
  • Before the crisis hit, we had a long way to go on creating truly inclusive workplaces – BITC research found that many employees, particularly women, young workers, and black, Asian, and ethnic minoritypeople/employees felt left out or excluded in some way – and culture and everyday experiences were crucial to this but often given insufficient attention.
  • Inclusion is crucial tobuilding back responsibly. Organisations that take an inclusive approach to their recovery will be more resilient and better able to navigate the challenges ahead.
  • The anti-racist protests have prompted further discussion around inclusion – with greater awareness of the way black people can be excluded at work, and the micro aggressions they regularly face.
8 results
Fact Sheets

Everyday Inclusion Briefing: what are inclusive cultures?


Everyday Inclusion: what really works?

Reviewing more than 60 pieces of academic literature this report outlines the evidence base for creating inclusive cultures.