Gender Equality

Grey cardboard jigsaw pieces with hand drawn gender icons in magenta and cyan

The gender equality campaign at Business in the Community (BITC) forms part of the Diversity and Inclusion section of the负责任的业务Map.

Achieving a truly gender-balanced workforce means employers must recruit and progress the best talent – irrespective of gender.

The commercial imperative for realising women’s potential in the workplace is clear: gender equality enhances employee engagement, boosts productivity, meets the diverse needs of customers and suppliers, and improves brand reputation.


15 results
Case Studies

Ofcom: Committing to equality beyond the pandemic

How Ofcom is conducting equality impact assessments to ensure positive action on diversity and inclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Case Studies

8 Steps+10 Case Studies = a gender equal future route map


Route Map To A More Gender Equal Future
