Mental health

Taking a whole organisation approach to embedding wellbeing into an organisational culture is key to achieving maximum impact. Wellbeing should be positioned as a strategic boardroom issue supporting thriving people, thriving business and thriving communities.

Find out more about the Business in the Community focus on wellbeing.

49 results

Peer learning forum: The Mental Health at Work Commitment

This peer learning forum will feature input from organisations who have already made the Mental Health at Work Commitment and are using it to help develop their approach to mental health as part of a whole-person, whole-organisation approach to employee health and wellbeing.

Mental Health at Work: Building Back Responsibly

This webinar will help organisations to understand the importance of mental health at work, especially in light of COVID-19.
Case Studies

Anglian Water: supporting health and wellbeing every day

Learn how Anglian Water are supporting their employees’ health and wellbeing throughout 2021

What if your job was good for you?

Business in the Community’s Wellbeing Director Louise Aston makes the case for putting wellbeing at the heart of business planning and job design.