
The Race at Work Charter, five calls to action to ensure that ethnic minority employees are represented at all levels in an organisation.

  1. 委任执行保荐人进行比赛
    Executive Sponsors for race provide visible leadership on race and ethnicity in their organisation and can drive actions such as setting targets for ethnic minority representation, briefing recruitment agencies and supporting mentoring and sponsorship.
  2. 捕捉民族数据并宣传进展
  3. Commit at board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying
    The Race at Work Survey revealed that 25 per cent of ethnic minority employees reported that they had witnessed or experienced racial harassment or bullying from managers. Commitment from the top is needed to achieve change.
  4. Make clear that supporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers
    Actions can include ensuring that performance objectives for leaders and managers cover their responsibilities to support fairness for all staff.
  5. Take action that supports ethnic minority career progression
    Actions can include embedding mentoring, reverse mentoring and sponsorship in their organisations.

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    focus on race in the workplace

28 results

比赛在Work: black voices

Leadership: allyship and connecting to employees and communities. This report calls for employers to take six actions to ensure inclusion of their black talent.

25 years of working towards racial equality in the workplace

Sandra Kerr CBE, OBE, shares an overview of the progress of the Business in the Community race equality campaign over the past 25 years.

Stamping out racism and inequality in business

Richard Iferenta Chair, Business in the Community (BITC) Race Leadership Team and Partner, KPMG on why businesses need to act on racism.