
Business in the Community (BITC) Cymru is the Prince’s Responsible Business Network in Wales, a business-led membership organisation made up of progressive businesses of all sizes from all over Wales who understand that the prosperity of business and society are mutually dependent.

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威尔士领导委员会由资深勒aders from Business in the Community’s (BITC) member companies. It advises on the Wales strategic plan, supports BITC Cymru’s engagement with government and corporate stakeholders and helps to grow the responsible business movement and our network in Wales.

Find out more about BITC Cymru’s Leadership Board.

35 results
Case Studies

Business in the Community Cymru Welsh Government SME of the Year 2019: Rhondda Housing Association

RHA responds to its clients’ needs with services above and beyond tenancy management. It endeavors to be a great housing association driving change in the area.
Case Studies

Business in the Community Cymru GE Aviation Wales Diversity and Inclusion Award Winner 2019: Legal & General Wales

Legal & General’s Cardiff Diversity and Inclusion Committee has designed and implemented a compelling diversity and inclusion strategy addressing the Welsh team’s areas of interest.
Case Studies

Business in the Community Cymru ACT Training Inspiring Young Talent Winner 2019: Pobl Group

Pobl Academy is a programme aimed at customers who may have not had the opportunity to forge a career due to a range of barriers.