

We want to share with you how we treat personal data about you that we receive, including personal details such as your name, e-mail address, home address, work address and other information provided by you. We collect information about you only if you voluntarily submit the information to us for purposes such as (i) becoming a member of our business community (ii) taking part in any of our training programmes (iii) completing surveys about your experiences with BITC and (iv) receiving newsletters from us. You can opt-in or opt-out of e-mail newsletters at any time. Further details, including how we share your information and your rights relating to our use of your information, can be found under our Privacy Notice, a copy of which is available here


This Privacy Notice sets out how we process your personal data.

This Privacy Notice applies to your use of:

//www.instecho.com.(the “网站”)

1. Scope

This Privacy Notice sets out how we process your personal data.

This Privacy Notice applies to your use of:

//www.instecho.com.(the “Website”) and
http://www.bitcni.org.uk.(Business in the Community Northern Ireland website) andhttps://bitc.eu.qualtrics.com.(比特调查和见解平台)。
https://businessresponseCovid.org.uk.uk.(Business Response to COVID-19).

“we”, “our”, “us” and “BITC” collectively refer to Business in the Community, a company limited by guarantee no. 1619253 and registered as a charity in England and Wales (297716) and Scotland (SC046226), whose registered address is at 137 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7RQ, Tel: +44 (0)2075668650, Email:Information@itC.org.uk.



This Privacy Notice sets out:

  • 我们收集的关于您的个人数据,包括敏感数据
  • 我们如何获得您的个人数据,包括敏感数据
  • How we use your personal data, including sensitive data
  • How we protect your personal data, including sensitive data
  • 我们与谁共享您的个人数据,包括敏感数据
  • 您的个人数据托管的地方,包括敏感数据
  • How you can access your personal data, including sensitive data
  • 开放沟通
  • 儿童的个人信息
  • 链接到其他网站
  • 本隐私声明和更新的状态
  • 隐私问题


  • 你的名字和姓氏
  • 你的职位和雇主的细节
  • Your contact email and address and your country of residence
  • 你的电话号码
  • the areas of responsible business you are interested in





  • maintain and develop our relationship with you;
  • 通过电子邮件与您沟通有关任何,网络事件或其他BITC相关的社区举措;狗万投注平台
  • communicate with you regarding training or other opportunities we believe may be of interest to you (according to your membership preferences);
  • 通过对我们收集的数据进行分析来增强我们的社区,并通过进行调查和市场研究。
  • we may transfer your data to our third-party affiliates that maintain our mailing lists and/or companies we contract with to run our events.

How we protect your personal data, including sensitive data






BITC可以与我们合作的服务提供商共享您的个人数据和信息,发送我们的新闻通讯,执行调查和问卷,我们代表我们的流程信息,并托管我们的IT服务器。这些公司 - 我们的供应商 - 在合同上旨在使用您与他们分享的个人数据,以便唯一目的是执行我们从事他们提供的服务。






All countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), which includes the UK, have similar standards of legal protection for your information. We may store your information on third party data centres located outside the EEA, where there is not a similar standard of data protection laws. If so, we will take steps to ensure that adequate levels of protection are applied to your information. In particular, we contract with Salesforce to provide certain software to BITC. Salesforce may receive data from us from time to time. Under the terms of our contract Salesforce is subject to a similar standard of data protection laws as companies hosting personal data within the EEA. For more information on Salesforce compliance procedures, please follow thislink。注意:链接到Salesforce隐私政策的位置:https://www.salesforce.com/uk/company/privacy/

How you can access your personal data, including sensitive data

Under data protection laws, you have a right to:

  • 请求您的信息副本;
  • 要求我们进行任何更改,以确保它是准确的,最新的;
  • 请问我们删除您的信息,如果我们没有良好的理由保留它;或者
  • 否则对象我们使用您的信息的方式。

如果您希望行使任何这些权利,或者有关我们对信息的使用有疑问,请在Data-protection@itC.org.uk或写信给公司秘书,社区业务137牧羊犬步行,狗万买球下载伦敦N1 7RQ。我们密切关注ICO下规定的主题访问请求的指导。此处提供了本指南的副本。








Status of隐私声明和更新


For the avoidance of doubt, no change to the Privacy Notice will change the content of your consent that you may have granted.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Notice or data processing or if you would like to make a complaint about a possible breach of local privacy laws, please contact: data-protection@bitc.org.uk or write to the Data Protection Officer, Business in the Community 137 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7RQ


曲奇饼S.and technical information

We may use “cookies” – a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive – to collect certain information about you and your use of the Website, such as IP addresses (the Internet access or address of a computer), domain names, and the type of computer and operating system being used. We may then also use cookies to identify your computer when you revisit the Website to, for example, recall your authentication information or to track statistical information related to navigation throughout the Website.

你可以调整你的浏览器拒绝接受有限公司okies, remove cookies or notify you when a cookie is set by editing your web browser preferences or options. (Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu on your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.) You do not have to accept all cookies sent to you by the Website; however, depending on the cookie you reject, you may not be able to use some features of the Website.

Updates to the CookiesNotice
