Climate Action


Acting on the climate crisis is a core pillar of any responsible business strategy. TheUnited Nations Climate Change Conference,(COP26)是为业务,以确保一个起点their climate action strategies create positive outcomes for people and nature. The conference, in partnership with Italy, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, between 01 and 21 November 2021.

Business in the Community (BITC) works to inspire and support our members, working with both those who are on the journey and those yet to start. Through guidance, resources and events, we equip businesses to set targets, develop inclusive action plans with employees, suppliers and community stakeholders. We also campaign for government action to support these actions.

We want every business to成为气候积极,开始发展ing a robust, science-based climate resilience strategy with ambitious net zero carbon targets

BITC calls on business to increase:

  1. The scale of ambition in climate action plans,usingTask Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD) to embed risks and opportunities into core strategy
  2. The speed with which net zero will be achieved,aligned with theUnited Nation’s Race to Zerocampaign.
  3. The scope of influence of the businessby developing & implementing a strategy in collaboration with diverse stakeholders.

To support our members to reach these ambitious goals, we have a series of practical content, engaging events, andbespoke advisory support.

The Business in the Community Responsible Business Map


Natural capital is restored, preserved, and enhanced, resource yields are optimised, waste is designed out of the product cycle and the risks associated with finite raw materials are minimised. Stimulating innovation and creating sustainable long-term growth and new employment opportunities (SDG 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15).


  • Commit to the principles of a circular economy by seeking to keep products, components and materials at their highest utilisation and value throughout their lifecycles.
  • Support the use of renewable resources and identify ways of designing out waste and recovering it back into production processes.
  • Embed a circular approach to procurement and supply chain management.

    View the Responsible Business Map and find out more


Graphic image of a sun with a power logo in the centre saying '7 affordable and clean energy' reflecting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) or Global Goal 7
Graphic image of three stacked blocks with text saying '9 industry, innovation and infrastructure' reflecting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) or Global Goal 9
Graphic image of four different sized buildings with text saying '11 sustainable cities and communities' reflecting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) or Global Goal 11
Graphic image of an infinity loop with text saying '12 responsible production and consumption' reflecting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) or Global Goal 12
Graphic image of a planet Earth with text saying '13 Climate Action' reflecting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) or Global Goal 13