Connelee Usher smiling, in a navy blue dress with an Asda branded lanyard around her neck

Connelee Usher

Business Resilience Manager,

Business Emergency Resilience Group Leadership Team

Connelee Usher is the Business Resilience Manager at Asda Stores Ltd, Leeds. Connelee has been in the role for the past five years, oversees the Business Continuity Programme and is responsible for co-ordinating the Incident Management Group within Asda. In doing this she ensures that any incidents affecting stores, distribution centres or home offices are dealt with quickly, minimising the impact to customers, colleagues and operations.

Connelee has 20 years of experience in retail and, before gaining her MBCI, had a successful career in finance. Being a qualified management accountant, Connelee has a strong commercial background that complements her current position when influencing the Business Continuity Programme.

Connelee has been part of theBusiness Emergency Resilience Group (BERG) Leadership Teamsince October 2018 and is passionate about raising awareness among communities to help make them more resilient. Asda works with hundreds of small- and medium-sized enterprises and Connelee is helping to raise the profile of BERG and Business in the Community (BITC) by using the supplier website. By working collaboratively there is an opportunity to share information and best practice.

About BITC’s Business Emergency Resilience Group Leadership Team

Each area of work Business in the Community (BITC) undertakes is led by a group of senior executives who provide strategic guidance and support us in achieving our objectives.

The purpose ofBusiness in the Community’s Business Emergency Resilience Group Leadership Teamis to mobilise support for small businesses to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from business disruptions such as flooding and cyber-attacks.

Find out more aboutBITC’s work helping businesses and communities across the UK to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies.