


Together we can

We are the membership organisation for businesses who want to publicly demonstrate a commitment to acting responsibly and invest in building a better society. We have hundreds of members and more than 300 business leaders taking active leadership roles with us.

94% of companies can show or point to evidence that their leaders are committed to doing something, and talk about taking action, but only 17% of their own workforce have targets built into their day-to-day role (source:负责任的商业跟踪器®Insights Report: Raising The Bar),让野心并不总是转变为行动。

The three components of membership

1. Membership

Membership is designed to provide value for every organisation irrespective of what stage it is at and its ability to engage.

Membership includes:

  • A dedicated关系经理
  • 参与负责任的商业跟踪器®
  • Bespoke advisory services( see engagement for more detail).
  • Invitations to a calendar of webinars, events and networking opportunities.
  • 关于我们区域领导委员会的代表
  • Exclusive online content including toolkits, insight and case studies, and member newsletters
  • Use of the Business in the Community brand

2. Engagement

Your membership includes one day of advisory time. This can be used to identify your needs and agree an action plan.


  • Inclusion (race, gender and age)
  • Wellbeing
  • 万博体育官网手机版
  • 社区
  • Strategy and Purpose

Through becoming a champion you will be able to take advantage of a range of support activities, including four days additional advisory time, dedicated forums, thought leadership and profiling opportunities.

Our advisory offer
Ranging from workshops and training, to engaging senior leaders and staff, through to long-term strategic projects and partnerships, your advisory package is bespoke to you.

  • Our team of issue experts create advisory solutions, tools and reports to meet your needs and help you progress along your responsible business journey.
  • We create a support plan tailored to your priority areas, at the depth and timescales that you require.
  • Our specialist advisors can help you become more responsible in the areas of: community; environment; health and wellbeing; inclusion (including age, gender and race equality); and strategy and purpose.
  • Advisory support can be issue area specific or intersectional and draws on our proven interventions. It is output and outcome driven and measured by impact and engagement.


3. Leadership

This is for members seeking to work with BITC to demonstrate leadership and drive impact across an issue over a multi-year period.

这些是定制优惠,可能包括我们特定问题之一的地方领导团队, participation in Taskforces, leading or participating in a王子的眼见为实visit, sponsorship of research and campaigning, hosting and networking, or taking our platforms and channels to act as an advocate for responsible business.

Leadership offers enable enhanced influence over local, regional and national policymaking, organisational profile, contribution to thought leadership and networking with other senior leaders.


Membership contribution

The cost of membership depends on the size and turnover of your organisation and how many opportunities you wish to access. Ourmembership team可以与您一起讨论这一点。


Contact us today to find out more on becoming a member

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