As a board director, with overall responsibility for human resources, learning and corporate responsibility, Rebekah leads Ricoh’s responsible business and employer of choice strategies. Following a series of acquisitions and integrations, Rebekah led Ricoh UK’s culture-change initiatives, taking an innovative and proactive approach to employee engagement and leadership development, as well as being central to Ricoh’s new ways of working.

Rebekah leads Ricoh UK’s partnerships with Business in the Community (BITC), sits on BITC’s East Midlands Leadership Board and leads Ricoh’s active involvement in community investment with a particular focus on supporting young people and reducing re-offending.

Rebekah also leads Ricoh’s patronage of The Prince’s Trust and is responsible for Ricoh’s founding partnership status with Women Ahead/Moving Ahead, with whom Ricoh supports its inclusion and diversity initiatives through internal and external mentoring programmes within both sport and business.

About Business in the Community’s Employment and Skills Leadership Team

Each area of work Business in the Community (BITC) undertakes is led by a group of senior executives who provide strategic guidance and support us in achieving our objectives.

The purpose ofBusiness in the Community’s Employment and Skills Leadership Teamis to help create a UK where everyone, regardless of their background or experience, can access the education, employment, and skills they need to thrive throughout their working lives.

Find out more aboutBITC’s work on employment.

Business in the Community is creating a skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow