Making Scotland A World-Leader in Fair Work
Business in the Community (BITC) Scotland’s recommendations for Scotland’s Fair Work Action Plan based on a series of consultations across the country between September and November 2018.
In 2016 Scotland’s Fair Work Convention published a framework for fair work with a vision that Scotland would become a world-leader by 2025. To support this the Scottish Government committed to publishing an action plan by the end of 2018 setting out how business, government and civil society could work together to achieve this ambition.BITC Scotland, as the voice of responsible business in Scotland, strongly supports this ambition and has produced this report to support the Scottish Government in the drafting of Scotland’s Fair Work Action Plan.
During the autumn of 2018 BITC Scotland organised consultations across Scotland to gather input from employers on what makes a convincing business case for fair work, what are the challenges to fair work and what actions can businesses, government and civil society, individually and in collaboration, can take to achieve the vision of being a world leader in fair work by 2025. The results of these consultations were compiled into this report and submitted to the Scottish Government, which informed the subsequently publishedFair Work Action Plan.
Unemployment levels are at an all-time low across Scotland, yet many people are struggling to find good-quality work; a job that offers security, opportunity, effective voice, respect and fulfilment. At the same time employers are struggling to find and retain talent, to increase productivity and to adapt to a rapidly changing economic landscape. Research shows that job quality, employee health and wellbeing, engagement and productivity are closely linked. Businesses that offer good-quality work are more diverse, productive, engaged and innovative than those that do not.
Business in the Community is developing a
skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow