Race at Work Charter 2020 Survey report

Key findings from the 2020 survey including case studies outlining the lived experiences of many of the participating organisations.

Representing the key findings of 2020 Race at Work Charter Survey, this report records the actions undertaken by the 114 employer participants.

The report includes a series of case studies outlining the lived experiences of many of the participating organisations.

Emerging themes

The results of the Race at Work Charter Survey 2020 show that employers prioritise the themes ofleadership,advocacy,allyship,transparencyandaccountability.

Employers are now setting targets to increase racial diversity at Board level and in senior teams. This has risen from an overall 41% in 2019 to 46% in 2020.

The report records a steady progression in the number of employers who now include action on race in their organisation’s strategic objectives. Increasing to 74% in 2020 from 70% in 2019.

Survey findings record action on The Race at Work Charter five calls to action

  1. Appointan Executive Sponsor for Race
  2. Captureethnicity data and publicise progress
  3. Commitat board level to zero tolerance to bullying and harassment
  4. Make明确表示,苏pporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers.
  5. Takeaction to support ethnic minority career progression

About Business in the Community’s work on Race

share your experiences

Business in the Community (BITC) believes every employer must prioritise action on race.

Supporting employers to ensure that ethnic minority employees are represented at all levels. These aims and issue areas enable us to provide the most relevant and insightful support to members. They also inform our engagement with government, industry stakeholders and employers when campaigning for wider societal and organisational change.

For more information on BITC’s framework for supporting employers with promoting racial equality in the workplace, visit theBusiness in the Community race campaign web page.