The Times Top 50 Employers for Women Insights Report 2020

This insights report showcases lessons and examples from The Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2020.

This insights report showcases lessons and examples from The Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2020.

About the insights report

The Times Top 50 Employers for Women Insights Report 2020provides information on:

  • strategy and accountability
  • data monitoring and transparency
  • policies and processes
  • workplace culture and wider reach

The report also includes case studies from Business in the Community (BITC)member organisations.

About the Times Top 50 Employers for Women

This is the tenth year (BITC) has run the Times Top 50 Employers for Women project. This is the UK’s most established and respected award assessing organisations’ efforts to promote gender equality at work. The process provides unrivalled insight into what some of the UK’s biggest employers are doing to champion women.

COVID-19 and ensuing economic challenges mean much of the progress made in recent years on inclusion and diversity in the workplace is at risk.

But decisive and committed action on the part of businesses can make all the difference. Organisations that champion gender equality and develop public and time bound targets not just fine words, and that recognise women are not one, homogenous group but made up of myriad identities can point to significant progress.

At a time of rapid and unprecedented disruption, employers that seek to preserve and foster inclusive cultures will ensure greater business resilience in the years ahead.

Inclusion inThe Times Top 50 Employers for Womenlist celebrates outstanding progress and examples of best practice, impact, innovation, and individual achievement. These employers make gender equality part of their business strategy at all levels.

About BITC’s work on Gender

Achieving a truly gender-balanced workforce means employers must recruit and progress the best talent – irrespective of gender.

The commercial imperative for realising women’s potential in the workplace is clear: gender equality enhances employee engagement, boosts productivity, meets the diverse needs of customers and suppliers, and improves brand reputation.

Read more about BITC’s Gender agenda.