Time To Fix-Up: our big chance for business to build back responsibly

How is business responding the pandemic? Insights from BITC members turning opportunities into actions.

This report,Time to fix-up: our big chance for business to build back responsibly, captures the insights and lessons from Business in the Community (BITC) members as they respond to COVID-19.

The pandemic has sparked a radical rethink in how we do things. Businesses must now harness the innovation brought about by the crisis to tackle the challenges facing society. This report sets out how.

Building Back Responsibly

Building Back Responsibly is based on the notion that the responsible business movement can and must all do better. From the insights and lessons from our members in response to the pandemic, we have identified emerging themes that present opportunities for responsible business to grasp. In this report, we have set out priority areas where BITC will focus its response and support members to act. This report is, therefore, both a snapshot in time and priorities for the future.

This report includes:

  • the business response — the insights and opportunities learnt from our members
  • how we can turn opportunities into actions

Making the impossible possible

COVID-19 has rocked this country to its core. Over the past few months, we have not only seen the pandemic’s terrible impact on our lives and economy but also the creeping signs that this year may mark a rolling back of the progress this nation has made over the past 100 years.

On the other hand, this year has also made the impossible possible. Companies have been more generous, more supportive and more flexible than many said was possible. 2020 might have brought some of our hardest challenges but it has also shown us that the sky is the limit when it comes to responsible business.

Revealed: what responsible business must stand for today

During this summer (2020) we conducted 120 conversations with business leaders, surveyed 75 organisations, and held more than 30 events. Through these discussions, we listened to hundreds of opinions on lessons learned and what the future should hold. If we are to face down the threat of backsliding, we must lay the foundations for building back responsibly right now.

We ask that you read this report in the same spirit of possibility: come with us as we explore the insights and actions that reveal what responsible business must stand for today.

Join us to make lasting change and Build Back Responsibly.