Richard Aylard wears a suit and smiles

Richard Aylard

Sustainability Director,
Thames Water

London Leadership Board
Water Taskforce

Richard Aylard joined Thames Water in 2002 as Corporate Responsibility Director and led the company’s engagement with external stakeholders, including councils, MPs, community groups and environmental organisations from 2005 to 2019. As Sustainability Director, Richard focuses on the key issues of the environment, responsible business and the response to the climate crisis, working in partnership with stakeholders and groups. Richard is a member of the executive team and is the principal spokesperson with the media and other audiences.

Richard has a degree in biological science from Reading University and served in the Royal Navy for 16 years. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management and Chair of theWater and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) Charity.

Richard sits on Business in the Community’s (BITC) Water Taskforce, working with BITC and other companies to provide strategic guidance and support in achieving BITC’s objectives. He is also part of BITC’s London Leadership Board where he helps local business and communities become more sustainable and resilient to new challenges.

About BITC’s Water Taskforce

Each area of work BITC undertakes is led by a group of senior executives who provide strategic guidance and support us in achieving our objectives.

BITC’s Water Taskforceis a cross sectoral group that convenes to collaborate around shared problems on water and the natural environment. They use action research to address challenging environmental issues that impact across sectors and in partnership with government.

The group has identified that cross cutting themes such as innovative financing mechanisms, digital and skills are integral to overcoming environmental challenges that will achieve positive social change.

The Taskforce supportsBITC’s Environment Leadership Team, who are helping business drive innovation that turns the threats of the climate emergency into opportunity for people and nature.

Find out more aboutBITC’s work on the environment.