Sarah Davidson

Chief Executive Officer,
Carnegie UK Trust

Scotland Leadership Board

Sarah Davidson was appointed as the first Chief Executive Officer of The Carnegie UK Trust in August 2019. The Carnegie UK Trust was established in 1913 by Scots-American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and is one of the UK’s most respected public policy influencers.

The Trust’s work currently includes improving digital access; measuring social progress and wellbeing; helping towns to flourish; and making affordable credit available to the most vulnerable members of society.

Sarah’s previous role from 2014 was Director General Communities at The Scottish Government, having been an experienced civil servant since 1995, covering both policy and service delivery. Her previous roles have included Scottish Government Director of Communications; Director for Local Government and Communities and acting Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development.

Previous experience includes Head of Cabinet Secretariat, Ministerial private secretary and a four-year secondment to the Scottish Parliament where she established the Public Audit and Finance Committees and was Director of the Holyrood Building Project Team.