Steven Thompson in suit and tie smiles straight into the camera

Steven Thompson

Environmental Sustainability Manager, National Grid

Environment Leadership Team

Steven is National Grid’s Environmental Sustainability Manager. He is responsible for the development of National Grid’s environmental sustainability strategy and supporting its global business to implement it, focusing on carbon and waste reduction, and increasing natural capital on National Grid’s land.

He is responsible for setting National Grid’s environmental policies and standards.

Steven joined the Business in the Community (BITC) Environmental Leadership team to demonstrate that business has a hugely important role to play, and to support BITC in illustrating the business and societal benefits of being a responsible business. He believes the leadership team needs to demonstrate that sustainability is not just the role of environmental professionals but should be at the core of every employee’s role.

Steven has worked for National Grid and its predecessors for 24 years in a variety of roles including Stakeholder Strategy Manager for the UK transmission business and Energy Forecasting Manager in the future energy scenarios team. In addition to his work at National Grid Steve is a non-Executive Director of Sustainability West Midlands.

About BITC’s Environment Leadership Team

Each area of work BITC undertakes is led by a group of senior executives who provide strategic guidance and support us in achieving our objectives.

The purpose ofBITC’s Environment Leadership Teamis to help business drive innovation that turns the threats of the climate emergency into opportunity for people and nature.

Find out more aboutBITC’s work on the environment.

Business in the Community is innovating to sustain and repair our planet