Stuart Lemmon looks at the camera

Stuart Lemmon

Chief Executive Officer, climate and sustainability consultancy,
EcoAct Uk

Net Zero Carbon Taskforce

Having worked in the sector for 25 years, Stuart Lemmon’s expertise spans climate, sustainability, risk and environmental management disciplines.

Over the course of his career he has worked with a wide range of both private and public sectors including property, construction, financial services, process industries, utilities, oil and gas, as well as central and local government.

He provides technical direction, account lead and project management across EcoAct’s broad consulting and carbon offsetting services. He specialises in strategy development and the integration of sustainability activity with operational and reporting processes.

Stuart brings a great depth of knowledge and practical experience to Business in the Community’s (BITC)Net Zero Carbon Taskforce,having dedicated his career to supporting corporates to reduce their climate impact. His hope is that from this collaborative working group comes practical solutions to support businesses and accelerate the transition to a low carbon economy.

Find out more aboutBITC’s work on the environment.