Su Cox smiles in a black and white square print jacket

Su Cox

Communications and Business Development Director,
The Scottish Salmon Company Limited

Scotland Leadership Board

Su is Communications and Business Development Director at The Scottish Salmon Company, a Scottish-based producer of fresh Scottish salmon exporting more than half of production to 26 countries around the world, from North America to the Far East.

With more than 500 staff across 60 sites in the remote and rural communities of the West Coast of Scotland and Hebrides, Su is passionate about developing responsible business growth and driving the economic growth and sustainability of rural Scotland.

As well as sitting on Business in the Community Scotland Leadership Board, Su is also Vice Chair of Scotland Food and Drink, a not-for-profit organisation. It is supported by the Scottish Government and tasked with growing the value of Scotland’s food and drink sector, making it more profitable and delivering greater global success in a challenging and competitive environment.