Anti-Racism and Allyship in the Workplace: a brief guide

ThisAnti-racism and allyship in the workplacetoolkit outlines the steps individuals in the workplace can take to become an effective ally.


Actions for leaders

Leaders are in a position to influence their organisation and have a far-reaching impact on how people feel at work. And, subsequently, the productivity and value that employees bring to their job.

The recommendations in this toolkit are not comprehensive. While there are actions all leaders can take, it is important they think carefully about their individual influence. They should take action that responds to the specific needs of their organisation.

Racism happens every day. We need advocates and allies who act at all times, not just when violence reaches the media. People in every workplace must learn about their role in ensuring their company is a safe, inclusive place. This can be done through education, examining biases, and becoming a bystander who intervenes when racism occurs at work.

Organisational culture has an important role to play when we consider what behaviours are allowed, what behaviours are encouraged, and what behaviours are forbidden.

It is challenging to act with conviction without building a foundation of understanding and empathy first. There are opportunities to learn about racial inequality everywhere. An not just through countless books, documentaries, and podcasts, but also through having open conversations.

About the toolkit

ThisAnti-racism and allyship in the workplacetoolkit contains information on:

  • actions for leaders
  • additional resources.

About Business in the Community’s work on Race

After 25 years of campaigning for race equality in the UK, Business in the Community (BITC) believes every employer must prioritise action on race.

Supporting employers to ensure that ethnic minority employees are represented at all levels. These aims and issue areas enable us to provide the most relevant and insightful support to members. They also inform our engagement with government, industry stakeholders and employers when campaigning for wider societal and organisational change.

Read more about BITC’s Race agenda.

For more information on BITC’s framework for supporting employers with promoting racial equality in the workplace, visit theRace at Work Charter web page.

Business in the Community is creating a skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow.