Domestic Abuse Toolkit

雇主向员工提供护理,并有法律责任提供安全有效的工作环境。万博体育官网手机版防止和处理家庭滥用是其中的一个组成部分。这个工具包,赞助The Insurance Charitiesoffers guidance and support. According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW), in the year ending March 2018, an estimated 7.9 per cent of women (1.3 million) and 4.2 per cent of men (695,000) experienced domestic abuse1。It is a hugely destructive problem and we have a collective responsibility to tackle it.

Three key actions for employers to address domestic abuse

  • AcknowledgeUse this toolkit to help understand the issues, and acknowledge every employer’s responsibility to address domestic abuse. Enable colleagues to openly discuss this topic, and provide a supportive workplace.
  • 回应。Review your policies and processes to ensure you are providing a supportive workplace and can respond to disclosure. Make sure the policies and processes are implemented correctly.
  • 参考。提供对可以帮助受问题影响的员工的组织的访问。有关支持性组织和链接的完整列表,请参阅此工具包的资源部分。

虽然研究委托The Vodafone Foundation,Domestic Violence and Abuse: Working together to transform responses in the workplace,显示雇主压倒性地认识到他们的护理职责。它还表现出更多需要进行以确保受国内滥用影响影响的所有员工接受他们需要安全和重建生命所需的支持。该工具包将帮助您的组织,无论是私人业务,公共部门或慈善机构,承诺应对国内滥用的风险。它还将使您能够建立一种方法,确保所有员工都受到支持和授权的工作场所,以处理国内滥用。

Men, women and children all experience domestic abuse, and can also all be perpetrators of abuse. However, evidence shows that women are disproportionately affected by domestic abuse and the majority of perpetrators are men. It takes place at all levels of society, regardless of social class, race, religion, sexuality or disability. Individuals may experience abuse or be affected by it long after they have left their partner.

View and download the other seven toolkits in this series, developed in partnership with公共卫生英格兰


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Business in the Community is helping create a
skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow

  1. Office for National Statistics; (2018); Domestic abuse: findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales: year ending March 2018; Available at